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A multicriteria analysis of and alternatives from nutritional, , , and perspectives |
pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2319  Fazit: Pflanzliche - und sind den "Originalen" hinsichtlich Klimabilanz eindeutig überlegen und bringen dazu gesundheitliche Vorteile.

Leben auf dem Mars: Warum braucht es eine Proben-Rückhol-Mission?
Internationales Autor:innenteam stellt Rahmen vor, um Proben vom Mars zu untersuchen
"Gibt es Leben auf dem Mars? Dieser Frage soll in ein paar Jahren mit modernen Analysen nachgegangen werden – wenn Proben der Marsmissionen zurückkommen. .."


pdf: pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.


www.marum.deLeben auf dem Mars: Warum braucht es eine Proben-Rückhol-Mission?

How is climate change going to affect Arctic shorelines? A new #PNAS #paper involving #MPI_scientist David Nielsen finds that, by 2100, there may be:
🌊 unprecedented land loss pushing the Alaskan coastline further inland than at any point in the last 100,000 years 🌊
🐟 potentially 8–11 times more carbon released than from coastal erosion alone, affecting marine ecosystems 🐟
📖 Find out more about these projected impacts & what could be done about them: s.gwdg.de/nBEkqZ
Credit: D. Nielsen

Remember #Thwaites #glacier ? It's the glacier on west #Antarctica that's considered unstable as relatively warm seawater protrudes deep under the ice shelf in front of it. Turns out it's even more unstable as previously thought. Researchers found proof of seawater intrusions deep under the ice sheet itself.

Thwaites is believed to be responsible for about 4% of #sealevel rise. #Research paper in #PNAS:


Sometimes a good idea turns out to be even better than originally thought:
The emissions trading system #ETS of the #EU 🇪🇺 is built to reduce #CO2 emissions, but it has also generated large health benefits by reducing air pollution 💨

This is the finding of a new study by #MPI_Scientist Jonas Grunau and colleagues, published in #PNAS

📝 Read the full #paper here: www.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2319908121

🎙️ or listen to Jonas being interviewed by the Deutschlandfunk: www.tinyurl.com/3ac3pn8n

Structural Modifications Enhance Antibacterial Potency of Bacitracin

The team of N. Martin from Leiden University optimized the antibiotic bacitracin, leading to a 256-fold increase in activity and also showed activity against vancomycin-resistant strains.

The team made the compound's non-polar side chains more lipophilic, enhancing bacterial membrane anchoring and hydrophobic interactions.

#MedicinalChemistry #Chemistry #Science #Research

Read more in #PNAS: pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2315

How does human #migration affect the prospects for #sustainabledevelopment
My #PNAS Special Feature with Neil Adger, Sonja Fansen and Ricardo Safra de Campos explores the relation of migration flows to #wellbeing , #inequality , #environment & #socialcapital : pnas.org/topic/554 (#openaccess).

Migration can deepen inequality & increase environmental damage but also can be a positive force for sustainability if managed well.

More details in my LinkedIn post: linkedin.com/posts/william-cla.

" #Amazon #deforestation causes strong regional #warming"
" #Tropical deforestation warms the #climate with negative impacts on people living nearby. Most previous studies have focused on the local warming caused by deforestation and less is known about how deforestation impacts surrounding areas. Our study used satellite data to show that deforestation in the Amazon caused substantial warming up to 100 km away from the location of forest loss. We show that this nonlocal warming increased deforestation-induced warming by a factor of four."

(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences #PNAS 30. October 2023, doi.org/10.1073/pnas.230912312 )
"The regional warming due to Amazon deforestation will have negative consequences for the 30 million people living within the Amazon basin, many of whom are already exposed to dangerous levels of heat. Previous studies have suggested that the combined impacts of future climate change and deforestation could expose an additional 11 million people across the Amazon to extreme heat stress. Increased temperatures will reduce human productivity and increase all-cause human mortality for already marginalized communities. Increased temperatures will also impact livestock and reduce crop yields, exacerbated by deforestation-induced reductions in #rainfall. Increased regional temperatures caused by deforestation will also impact #carbon storage of remaining forest and increase the risk of fire, with the resultant haze having further consequences for human health."

Die renommierte Open-Access-Zeitschrift @PNASNews, die von der National Academy of Sciences der Vereinigten Staaten herausgegeben wird, hat wieder einen bemerkenswerten wissenschaftlichen Artikel veröffentlicht. Im Beitrag "Exposure to automation explains religious declines" berichten vier Wissenschaftler über ihre Studien zum Zusammenhang zwischen Automatisierung und religiösem Rückgang. Die Autoren gelangen zum Schluss, dass die Weiterentwicklung von Robotern und Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zu einer Verminderung von Religiosität führen wird.
Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz fördern den Niedergang der Religiosität

So, like, we could have been doing this a thousand years ago?! 🤯

Carbon–cement supercapacitors as a scalable bulk energy storage solution | #PNAS


>The energy storage capacity of these carbon-cement supercapacitors… point to the opportunity for employing these structural concrete-like supercapacitors for bulk energy storage in both residential and industrial applications…