Bowen Yang says ‘Born This Way’ helped him ‘come out of the closet again’ after conversion therapy

Bowen Yang says ‘Born This Way’ helped him ‘come out of the closet again’ after conversion therapy
This is a good video from Forrest Valkai knocking down a "let's protect conversion therapy" bill in Oklahoma, and criticizing conversion therapy in general.
But I have to say, it always bothers me that we see so many straight allies denouncing queer conversion therapy (which is a good thing), but I can't remember ever seeing even a single allistic person denounce ABA that way. Queer conversion therapy and ABA are the same thing, created by the same person, just done on different groups. It sucks that somehow being queer is worthy of people standing up for you, but being autistic is not. So we have to do it all ourselves without any help from allistics.
Every time I see someone stand up against conversion therapy, I want to reply NOW DO ABA! What will it take for people to care about us the way they care about everyone else?
#ActuallyAutistic #ABA #ConversionTherapy #StopTheShock
Ok, this is some serious camel nose under the tent shit right here. This is like the Gay Wedding Cake that never existed that they used to get to the Supremes. Three courts have ruled against this “counselor” who says she only wants to “talk about conversion therapy”, she doesn’t want to waterboard kids, or trap them in solitary freezing rooms, or smother them in blankets until they die....she doesn’t want to KILL gay kids, she only wants to make them feel bad so they kill themselves.
That the Supremes agreed to hear this case after multiple courts said she didn’t have cause or standing, is bad news for everyone, #lgbtq people and their allies.
If #conversionTherapy becomes legal, Ima need to train a lot of people in how to take over a building and free captives. I will go to prison as terrorist leader before I will let one more kid be punished for being themselves.
The challenged #law prohibits licensed therapists in #Colorado from performing #ConversionTherapy, which it defines to include efforts “to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.” That includes trying“to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attraction or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.”
The law, adopted in 2019, allows treatments that provide “acceptance, support & understanding.”It exempts therapists“engaged in the practice of #religious ministry.”
#SCOTUS will hear a #FirstAmendment challenge to a #Colorado #law banning professional #counseling services engaged in #ConversionTherapy intended to change a minor’s #gender identity or #sexual orientation.
>20 states have similar laws, which are supported by leading #medical groups. Kaley Chiles, a licensed counselor, challenged the constitutionality of the Colorado law in federal court, saying it violated her rights to free speech & the free exercise of #religion.
My newly released episode of QST comes out swinging against Conversion Therapists, you know the pathetic Jesus peddling folks who think if you pray to Jesus enough he’ll turn you straight or cis-gender…yeah those. #podcast #lgbtq #trans #conversiontherapy #humanrights
There's a thing you can sign!
It's for an EU-wide ban on so-called "conversion therapy" of queer people.
Please sign it! Lots of member states haven't met the minimum threshold yet!
The thing needs seven member states to meet the minimum threshold AND at least a million signatures before 17.5.2025
A trans-Atlantic evangelical alliance is popularizing a dangerous and debunked practice across African nations. #conversiontherapy #homophobia #LGBTQ
Maybe Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to sign a petition to demand that the EU bans conversion practises?
Tr*mp does NOT back the #blue, #Hillary has the #lastlaugh, the most #antiLGBTQ+ #WhiteHouse is #gay #AF
Minutes into his disastrous second term, the #convictedfelon #president repealed many of #President #JoeBiden‘s pro-#LGBTQ+ #orders including allowing #trans #people to #serve in the #military, and others that took aim at #LGBTQ+ #students, #parents, and #protections from #conversiontherapy.
CPC MP Tamara Jansen won election with 10% of eligible voters yesterday.
Poilievre is calling it a great victory.
Jansen is an anti-choice candidate who believes the earth was created in 6 six days, doesn't believe in climate change or evolution, & produced a video with Garnett Genuis 3 years ago claiming a ban on conversion therapy is discriminatory
Well done, Cloverdale-Langley City, BC
And she won with just 10% of the vote
#cdnpoli #abortion #ClimateChange #conversiontherapy #bcpoli #lgbtq
Today in Labor History December 15, 1973: The American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In the 1950s and 1960s, some therapists used aversion therapy to "cure" male homosexuality. Like in Anthony Burgess’s, “A Clockwork Orange,” they would show patients pictures of naked men while giving them electric shocks or drugs to make them puke. In the 1973 vote, 5,854 members voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, while 3,810 voted to retain it. In a compromise, they agreed to remove homosexuality from the DSM, but replaced it with "sexual orientation disturbance" for people "in conflict with" their sexual orientation. They did not completely remove homosexuality from the DSM until 1987. And despite the overtly torturous nature of the therapy, as of today, only 8 U.S. states have banned it. And only a handful of nations have banned it (including Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Spain, France, Germany, and Greece.)
#workingclass #LaborHistory #lgbtq #homophobia #transphobia #conversiontherapy #dsm #therapy #mentalhealth #torture #psychiatry #clockworkorange #books #authors #writers #fiction @bookstadon
Florida trans inmates being forced to cut hair short, undergo breast exam’s
* ACLU FL suing Dept. Corrections over anti-transgender policy
* restricts trans prisoners’ access to gender-affirm. med. care/ability to express gender identity
* ACLU lawyer comp. Florida's new prison policy to conversion therapy
#transgender #TransRights #ACLU
#Christofascism #OpusDei #transgenocide #ConversionTherapy
#Florida #DeSantis
#GOP #Trump2 #fascism #antiLGBT
I was in the closet since I was 9-10 and I came out in my 40s after I emigrated to the States.
I won't lie there's a feeling of revenge going back to France as a proud non-binary trans masc person.
Definitely a "Fuck you and your BS conversion therapy!" sort of joy.
#Woman who was given #electricshocks to ‘#cure’ #sexuality calls on #government to admit to ‘#torture’
#JoanBellingham was #training to be a #nurse when she was #admitted to a #psychiatricward for being a #lesbian.
#Women #Lesbians #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #NewZealand #Health #Healthcare #ConversionTherapy #Torture #ElectroshockTherapy #ECT
#MarlonWayans tried to use #hypnosis to make his #trans #child #cisgender before #accepting them.
Wayans said he eventually realized its not his #job to #control his #child, but rather to #love them #unconditionally.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Parents #Allies #Acceptance #ConversionTherapy
#ConversionTherapy #group #Files #SCOTUS #Brief Claiming #Strep, #LymeDisease, and #Manga Make You #Trans.
#PartnersforEthicalCare, a #hategroup #notorious for pushing the #dangerous and #debunked #practice of #ConversionTherapy, known for its #harmful effects.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate
There is a European Citizen's Initiative to ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ in the EU. The initiative requires 1 million signatures from across the EU AND to meet thresholds in at least 7 EU countries. Ireland is currently about 7k short of its threshold.
Read about the initiative here:
Support by clicking the yellow button near the top and filling the form.
Powerful week at #LGBTQ journal @prismnpen! A #gay #Arab calls out #Israel, the UK is knowingly killing #transgender kids, and #Christian #ConversionTherapy activists are meeting in #Catholic Poland to dish out their own death to #queer youth.
#Trans-#inclusive #conversiontherapy #ban an ‘immediate #priority’, says #UK #government.
A #Labour #spokesperson announced the new #OfficefoEqualityandOpportunity, replacing the #EqualityHub and leading on #womens, #race, #LGBT+, #disability, and #socioeconomic #equality, plus overseeing all #equality #legislation for the #UK.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #Labour #Allies #Progress #Tories #TERFS #Hate #Bigotry #Homophobia #Transphobia #TERFIsland