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@thejessiekirk It's not always the case with injections: just the ones that trans masc folk in the UK tend to be given.

The 2 most-commonly-prescribed injections are:

Both are compounded at 250 mg/mL, but they're quite different otherwise in terms of chemical make-up, viscosity, and volume.

Sustanon is a 1 mL injection mix of refined arachis oil (peanut oil) and benzyl alcohol, containing:

  • 30 mg testosterone propionate
  • 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
  • 60 mg testosterone isocaproate
  • 100 mg Testosterone decanoate

It is typically administered every 2-4 weeks.

Nebido, conversely, is a 4 mL injection containing 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate, suspended in a mixture of refined castor oil and benzyl benzoate. It's typically administered every 10-12 weeks.

The main difference between these, other than the different esters of testosterone, is the viscosity of the carrier oil used.

Figures vary and there's no universal unit used for viscosity, but in all of these, castor oil is significantly more viscous than peanut oil, or MCT oil (which is commonly used in the DIY / homebrew community).

Don't know if this'll help or not, but we thought you might find it interesting :TransHeart:

www.medicines.org.ukSustanon 250, 250mg/ml solution for injection - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc)Sustanon 250, 250mg/ml solution for injection - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) by Aspen

Hey y'all, I'm looking for a lawyer who can help me set up a small foundation that essentially acts as a mutual aid escrow account for trans people (and family) in Illinois. ​:boost:

I have a vague idea of what I want this to look like, and enough money to personally fund it for a fair while. It'd probably start with the various support groups at Center on Halsted and radiate out from there. As I see it, the biggest problems would be:
0. Setting up the organization or at least a bank account
1. Time to manage it. Probably we'd need at least a couple other people
2. Verifying identity for first time distribution
3. Validating requests if it's over (for example) $300 (under the theory that small requests will take longer to validate than they would save in preventing possible waste)
4. Setting up some standard way to donate, ideally through direct deposit and a web portal

I've been sitting on this idea for a while, and I really want to make it happen. This is somewhat dependent on my current work contract getting renewed in May, as otherwise there's no way I'll have the bandwidth to deal with this

#askTransgender #trans #transIllinois #Chicago #transfem #transmasc #MutualAid #MutualAidFund #MutualAidFunds

There is not a single second that goes by that I am not grateful to be trans. No matter the pain, the fear, the anxiety, my gratitude will never waiver. I would have never known true love if I wasn’t trans. I would have never seen so much beauty in myself and the world around me. I would have never felt such joy. Trans is love. It’s a gift that can never be taken from me.
#trans #transjoy #transgender #transmasc #t4t

#WordWeavers 1. Introduce your MC to your best friend.

Me: Roxy, I don’t know if ever told you about my narrative character, Ume. She is a #transfem #butch and aspiring writer. She is married to a #transmasc #asexual. They decide Ume needs a girlfriend who will return her physical affections. Ume picks a toxic ex-idol cursed with a dead lover who wants to kill her. Oh Ume doesn’t have as much trauma as my last two narrators.

Roxy: I take it. This is another #yuri #horror.

Me: No more yuri weird tale #supernatural stuff. But Ume doesn’t have any supernatural ability. It all her girlfriend. #KonbiniIdol #polyamory #Trans #NMWW

Long story short there's a possibility that I end up in #Malaysia in a couple of years.

My problem:
Can I get testosterone and even maybe #trans care at a private clinic?
I know public hospitals are out of the question.

Also I haven't legally changed my gender so I don't know if "as a woman" I can get #testosterone for "menopause issues"?

Boost won't change your life but it will help mine and in a world full of transphobes it does make a difference.🙏
