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Allekirjoita eurooppalainen kansalaisaloite eheytyshoitojen kieltämiseksi!

Kannatusilmoitusten kerääminen päättyy 17.5.2025. Aloitetta kannattamaan tarvitaan vähintään miljoona EU-kansalaista ja lisäksi tietyn vähimmäismäärän pitää täyttyä vähintään seitsemässä jäsenvaltiossa.

Tällä hetkellä (19.2.2025) ilmoituksia on yhteensä 217 230 ja vähimmäismäärä on täyttynyt kolmessa maassa.

#kansalaisaloite #BanConversionTherapy


citizens-initiative.europa.euInitiative detail | European Citizens' Initiative

There is a European Citizen's Initiative to ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ in the EU. The initiative requires 1 million signatures from across the EU AND to meet thresholds in at least 7 EU countries. Ireland is currently about 7k short of its threshold.

Read about the initiative here:


Support by clicking the yellow button near the top and filling the form.

citizens-initiative.europa.euInitiative detail | European Citizens' Initiative

Content warning: Reference to conversion practices

While conversion practices for trans people remain legal, it is clearly not safe to be trans in the UK. Write to your MP today asking them to call on the UK government to ban conversion therapy for all LGBTQI+ people.

The Ban Conversion Therapy Coalition have a useful tool: banconversiontherapy.com/

(Accessibility: Photo of a person using a laptop. Text says the above text.)

#TransRights Transgender #BanConversionTherapy

Antwortete im Thread

Some more much needed, positive news in #Minnesota.

"Minnesota Senate passes bills for reproductive freedom and trans refuge, and ban on conversion therapy"


I don't know what's with the mismatch between the url and headline... But as of writing this post, that is the correct url.