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Calling all baking aficionados! 🍰 Have you heard about this Crockpot Easter Cake?

It's an absolute revelation! Just mix up a simple batter, pop it into your slow cooker, and let it work its magic.

But wait, there's more! Top that beauty with a luscious egg-white glaze, and you've got yourself a real #HappyEaster masterpiece.

Give it a whirl, you won't be disappointed!



@LALegault wrote: {
Who are our “opponents?” Palestinians are not my opponents.

My opponents are all people (regardless of faith, heritage, skin color, whatever) who condone or justify the killing of mostly innocent people (in this case: Palestinians) without a fair trial (disregarding whether the death penalty is justifiable at all).

What Israel is doing in Gaza, IMHO, has exactly *NOTHING* to do with justice. Instead, Gaza is a concentration camp. If the number is correct, more than 12,000 Palestinian children have been killed since Oct 7.

However, Israel's "problem" did not start on Oct. 7. I can (more or less) imagine why Israel did not turn their other cheek after Oct 7. OTOH: what happened to "an eye for an eye"?

The outbreak, and the violence conducted by members of Hamas, should *not* have been a surprise to *anyone*.

Unless people are extremely naive, they cannot get away with locking up people behind a big fence - and subsequently fail to anticipate that some of those (locked up) people will have turned into beasts and be the first to escape after a hole in the fence is cut.

War brings up the worst in some people, and like in Bucha (Ukraine) those peopke will be preceding regular troops and act horrendously.

Yesterday I wrote "diff Auschwitz Gaza" in Dutch (see infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStrat).

I'll try to translate that below:
diff Auschwitz Gaza
(Auschwitz = A, Gaza = G)

/!\ Supply:
A: Mostly daily
G: Plenty of stock (option: from the West Bank)

== Escape possibilities::
A+G: None (high fence, immediately shooting guards)

== Conduct of guards:
A+G: Relentless; rape, torture, theft of possessions

== Independent supervision:
A+G: None (access by independent watchers and reporters is prohibited)

Edited 21:44 UTC to add: "Israeli parliament passes law paving the way for Al Jazeera closure" (aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/1/is)

/!\ Agony:
A: Of short duration for nost (killed using toxic gas), otherwise forced labour and exhaustion, no communication with the outside world (hoping to be rescued)
G: Varies, usually long lasting, partially with serious injuries, exhaustion, occasional communication with the ouside world (realizing that the most of the world does *not* care about you in any way)

== Basic necessities:
A+G: Hardly any water and foodl; dehydration (G: summer is on its way), starvation, no medicaments, no sanitary means and provisions

/!\ Roof:
A: Barracks
G: DiY (without money, no DiY shops and no airco)

== Tasks:
A+G: Scraping together food and throw dead bodies in mass graves

Do *YOU* (any reader if this post) keep looking away? Have a memorable eastern.



cc: @jeremy_pm

Infosec ExchangeErik van Straten (@ErikvanStraten@infosec.exchange)diff Auschwitz Gaza (Auschwitz = A, Gaza = G)     /!\ Aanvoer: A: Bijna dagelijks G: Voorraad zat (optie: uit Westbank)     == Vluchtmogelijkheid: A+G: Geen (hoog hek, meteen schietende bewakers)     == Gedrag bewakers: A+G: Nietsontziend, verkrachtingen, martelingen, diefstal bezittingen     == Onafhankelijk toezicht: A+G: Geen (pottenkijkers niet toegestaan)     /!\ Lijdensweg: A: Deels kort (vergast), anders dwangarbeid en uitputting, geen communicatie met buitenwereld (hopend op redding) G: Variabel, vaak lang, deels met zware verwondingen, uitputting, haperende communicatie met buitenwereld (besef dat de wereld *niets* om jou geeft)     == Eerste levensbehoeften: A+G: Nauwelijks water en voedsel: uitdrogen (G: zomer komt eraan), verhongeren, geen medicijnen en sanitaire middelen     /!\ Dak: A: Barakken G: Zelfbouw (zonder geld, Gamma en airco)     == Taken: A+G: Kostje bij elkaar scharrelen en doden in massagraf dumpen     Blijft ook *U* wegkijken? Memorabele paasdagen gewenst. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/auschwitz https://www.forbes.com/sites/omerawan/2024/03/24/children-in-gaza-are-starving-heres-how-starvation-can-affect-a-childs-health/ @partijvandearbeid@mastodon.nl @onrust @MarianneTiel@mstdn.social @gvenema@fairmove.net @hamkaas@mstdn.social @doronhirsch@mstdn.social @jasper@mastodon.nl @Ravotr@todon.nl #diff #concentratiekamp #Gaza #genocide #vrolijkPasen #eierenzoeken

#photooftheday These are traditional painted #eastereggs from Poland called #pisanki.

Some are ones my Grandmother brought back for me as a little kid, others I bought myself later.

They can be blown eggshells, or made of painted wood.

Many East European countries have this tradition, and similar names for them (eg in Ukraine they are known as #pisanky).

They are often decorated in styles unique to the region.

#HappyEaster #FroheOstern

Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, auf dass alle, die an ihn glauben, nicht verloren werden, sondern das ewige #Leben haben. (Joh 3,16)

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