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The #Hera spacecraft's final destination is the binary asteroid system Didymos, where #NASA's #DART spacecraft had previously collided, giving scientists the opportunity to study the deflection of the asteroid's orbit.

Tomorrow, Mar 12, 2025, Hera will perform a flyby of #Mars, to shift the spacecraft’s trajectory, shortening its trip by months and saving substantial fuel.

There will be live coverage. More here:


www.esa.intHera asteroid mission’s Mars flyby

Potenziell gefährlicher Asteroid 2024 YR₄: Raumfahrtkonzern OHB prüft Abwehrplan

2032 könnte 2024 YR₄ auf der Erde einschlagen, vorher kommt er noch einmal hier vorbei. Das wäre der beste Zeitpunkt für eine Abwehrmission, meint man bei OHB.


heise online · Potenziell gefährlicher Asteroid 2024 YR₄: Raumfahrtkonzern OHB prüft Abwehrplan
Mehr von Martin Holland

You may have been hearing about newly discovered 2024 YR4, which currently has a 2.3% chance of colliding with the Earth in 2032. In April we welcome back Nancy Chabot, Planetary Chief Scientist at JPL from the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) to our lecture series who will discuss this with us. Until then, watch Scott Manley's "Asteroid Impact In 2032 - What Are The Chances? What Can We Do?" youtu.be/Esk1hg2knno?si=mcm3vk

👋 Hi, I’m Max! I’m an engineer passionate about both hardware & software. I'm a Principal Engineer at Intel helping to shape the future of hardware, and I lead the open-source ROHD project, making hardware development more accessible and fun.

I enjoy working on personal projects (especially with Dart), snowboarding 🏂, gaming 🎮, and exploring new tech.

Excited to connect with folks in open-source, hardware, and beyond! 🚀

Von MMA bis Dart Rechtsextremer Einfluss im Sport

"...im Kampfsport ihre Fähigkeiten für den Straßenkampf und bereiten sich so auf den viel beschworenen „Tag X“ vor. Genau das passiert auch, wenn Neonazis Schießsport betreiben: Sie üben sich an der Waffe."

ich denke es wird langsam mal Zeit ........


Belltower.News · Von MMA bis Dart: Rechtsextremer Einfluss im SportDie extreme Rechte engagiert sich bewusst in sportlichen Bereichen, um Nachwuchs zu rekrutieren, soziale Räume zu dominieren und um sich in Gewalt zu üben.

Conflict of interest much?

'Obvious subversion': Public outcry over DART director's lobbying ties to Uber

"There's an obvious subversion of DART's rail and bus system. So many people in DFW have spent years relying on DART to get around whenever obtaining a personal vehicle was unfeasible. It can easily accommodate low-income families and individuals, disabled citizens."


#PublicTransit ##DART #Dallas #Plano #Texas #KERA #PabloArauzPena #MassTransit #Uber #PaulWageman

For 2024, I solved Advent of Code in 25 different languages. Was a fun project, sometimes a bit (very) painful (*glances at Erlang and Zig*).

Code (bottom of post) and summary for each language:

Keep in mind that I used most of these language for a few hours tops, so my judgement is very much subjective.

What's your favourite of the bunch?

blog.aschoch.chAdvent of Code 2024 – 25 Languages • Alexander Schoch's Blog
Mehr von Alexander Schoch 🇨🇭