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Does Fort Worth need an urban rail line? Here’s what a study found 🚆

Vehicle traffic over the next 20 years is only going to get worse, so the city should look at alternate ways to move people around.

The average construction cost per mile for a streetcar system is roughly $40 million, according to the city report.

It could also take roughly seven to 10 years to plan, design, and build an urban rail system.



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And I so hope some of the funds are carved off for #Bicycle infrastructure - especially secure bicycle parking! (in the best cities, there are also changing rooms/showers to promote #CycleCommuting #bikecommuting.)

Ooo, ooo! and, since it will be going to #MassTransit, #BikesOnTrains! This is a big issue in many places. In Amsterdam it appears everyone has two bicycles - one in the city, the other at their local train station, requiring twice as much parking.

Conflict of interest much?

'Obvious subversion': Public outcry over DART director's lobbying ties to Uber

"There's an obvious subversion of DART's rail and bus system. So many people in DFW have spent years relying on DART to get around whenever obtaining a personal vehicle was unfeasible. It can easily accommodate low-income families and individuals, disabled citizens."


#PublicTransit ##DART #Dallas #Plano #Texas #KERA #PabloArauzPena #MassTransit #Uber #PaulWageman

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I hope this garners a lot of revenue (at least enough to pay for itself), and ultimately, driver behavioral changes, and support for more automated enforcement of driver malfeasance. But I wonder how it will roll out in our balkanized commonwealth. The bus lane act says automatic enforcement may be implemented by the MBTA or other transit authority, "provided, however, that a city or town served by the Authority or the regional transit authority shall be the enforcing authority for bus stop camera systems." The infrastructure and inter-agency bureaucracy seems like it will take a while to sort out.

(I'll also be interested to see how many police vehicles are identified as meeting criteria for a bus lane violation, even if they're exempt from citation... if that data is ever made available.)

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@Huntn00 @paul @QasimRashid

I can make a good argument that greed, rather than Regan, brought down the USSR.

If I remember correctly (and if I was taught the truth🤔) Orwell's #1984 was about #communism but I think, in light of the present, that the moral applies equally to any society led by elitists.

I don't think limited #capitalism (with #publicsafety, #corrections, #masstransit, #education & #healthcare excluded) is that bad.

I think it's the greed & arrogance that bring the fall of all

BEV fanatics like to demonize hydrogen powered mass transit. Often citing a case where things did not go smoothly.

But they forget that battery mass transit has consistently failed or severely underperformed.

FCEV mass transit at least works, with occasional teething issues. But BEV mass transit is a joke.


KUT · CapMetro stops shift to all-electric bus fleetVon Nathan Bernier

Kiss buses, trains & any other forms of mass transit funding goodbye if Fat Nixon wins.

"With the federal government facing mounting debt, the best course of action would be to remove federal subsidies for transit spending allowing states and localities to decide whether mass transit is a good investment for them."
- Project 2025, page 636

After the war, consumer demand and public policy swung the other way. Many white commuters took advantage of the GI Bill, federally subsidized mortgages, an expanding highway network and cheap automobiles to escape #MassTransit – and the neighborhoods that it served.

Black Americans, in contrast, were largely shut out from access to these benefits, keeping them trapped in decaying urban cores.


So, racism turned public transit into the Cinderella of US transportation.

usa.streetsblog.org · This Single Photo of a Packed Trolley Illustrates the Ups and Downs of US Public Transit — Streetsblog USAThe last national transit boom can explain the challenges that confront modern transit agencies, says the author of 'The Great American Transit Disaster.'

When I was a kid, before the expressway, the fastest and cheapest way to Cincinnati from Madisonville, was to catch the B&O at the station down the road at Oakley, Ohio.

I loved being close to those massive rumbling engines and the sound of the steel wheels' click-clack on the rails, but nothing was like walking into that gigantic art deco dome and seeing all those hauntingly beautiful, building-size color murals by Winold Reiss.

Largest Half-Dome built in the western Hemisphere
Union Terminal, Cincinnati, Ohio
#History #CriticalInfrastructure #MassTransit #TOD #Architecture #Rail #Trains

This is desperately needed here in the USA.

US High-Speed Rail Map Shows Proposed Routes 🚂

Under the plan, which the USHSR proposes to build in four stages, it would be possible to travel between Seattle, Washington; San Diego, California; Miami, Florida; and Boston, Massachusetts, entirely on 220-mile-per-hour high-speed rail lines.


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Los Angeles had a metro system in the early 1900s popularly called the Red Car. Mind you, Los Angeles was a lot smaller, but it spanned most of what is the county from the inland to the sea. My sampled version: Tire companies lobbied. Highways and cars had to be built (to make money!) The rail cars got sold to Argentina, where I rode some of the cars on a visit for my honeymoon in 1986.

Now we're building a metro again, and it's costing tens of billions.

#history #greed #metro #masstransit

#losangeles #LosAngelesCounty


en.wikipedia.orgPacific Electric - Wikipedia

"Two railway workers in California were fired by Caltrain after the company realized they had quietly converted unused offices into secret apartments to avoid the area's brutal commutes."

Thing that gets me is that they were working for a local mass transit company. One that carries commuters. And they still thought it brutal.


Boing Boing · Railway workers built secret apartments in train stationsThe two men were charged with misusing public funds to add secret apartments to Burlingame and Millbrae stations.