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I remembered GNOME Web has had web extensions support in development for some time, and enabled it…

Unfortunately the two extensions I’d most love (Bitwarden and Dark Reader) are not working for me in stable, tech preview, or canary. :( It seems like the feature where an extension embeds a web view in the popover is broken. Still, it’s exciting to see this nearly there—does anyone know if it’s actively being worked on, or sort of stuck in its current state?

The updated comparison of Reference Management Software from @tu_muenchen
that features #JabRef 5.15 is now: available:

TL;DR: JabRef is an excellent alternative to commercial reference management software and both suited for beginners and advanced users.

Read the full report at:

mediatum.ub.tum.demediaTUM - Media and Publication Server

I've been involved in the open-source movement in some capacity for almost a quarter century now. In all that time, I've seen a steady stream of assertions about how "open source has failed". We ignored them and we kept building.

Here's the thing: in 2003 it was from large, powerful, mainstream sources: MSNBC, NYT, etc.

Now I only see it from luddites, puritopians, and other do-nothings. Almost everyone else has to take us seriously.

Keep doing the work, my friends.

Am 20.02. findet wieder der Linux-Treff Nord beim Theo in der Schnepfenreuther Hauptstraße 19 statt.

Hier gibt es ab 18:00 Uhr gutes Essen und dann ab ca. 19:30 Uhr geht es mit #Linux und freier Software weiter.

Es steht folgendes an:
- die nächsten Termine,
- "Einweihung" Beamer,
- und wer sonst noch etwas mitbringt.

Seit dem 2. Januar 2025 findet der Treff beim Theo im hinteren Saal statt.

Wenn Dich freie Software und Linux interessiert komm doch vorbei.

#lpd #ltn #clt2025 #opensource

This is cool!

"Pilet: Opensource, Modular, Portable Mini Computer"


A KickStarter for an open-source CyberDeck based on the Raspberry Pi and Linux. Actually 2 of them — a 5" version and a 7" version.

I love the retro look of these 🙂

Apparently this funded in 5 minutes! But, anyone can still get one.

I like that this also has a touch-screen. Many of the alternatives don't.


Releasing a public project as #OpenSource is always scary, especially when very few are using it. But after the successor (also #FOSS) of my project was replaced with a completely new one made from scratch, I took even longer before I made the decision to open it up, but eventually I did it.


Project SoonPublic ReleaseReleasing the project after the latest binary drops. Some information about release and build process.