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January 19, Smith took to X to share his final post on the social media platform after first joining it – back when it was known as Twitter – in 2009. He wrote, in his signature all-capitalised style: “19TH JANUARY 2025. TIME TO GO. ANY OTHER ACCOUNT ON TWITTER CLAIMING TO BE ME IS A LIE.”

He then went on to list links to his other social media accounts which include BlueSky, Instagram and Mastodon. @RobertSmith

#RobertSmith #Cure

Die Entscheidungen, die ich treffe, werden immer noch von der ziemlich naiven Stimme meines 19jährigen inneren Selbst beeinflusst. Das ist noch immer mein Gradmesser. "Was hätte ich gedacht, als ich ein Punk war?" Und das ist gut so. Ich würde mich hassen, wenn ich mich diesem 19jährigen inneren Selbst gegenüber nicht rechtfertigen könnte. Vielen Dank. Am Ende fühle ich mich fast resozialisiert.
#RobertSmith - #TheCure im @3sat #Kulturzeit-Interview (letzter Beitrag)

It's fair to say that when a favorite band comes back from a long hiatus with new music, we get a little nervous — will they still be good?! In the case of the Cure, it's a resounding "yes." @RollingStone gives "Songs of a Lost World," 16 years in the making, four stars, calling it "the triumphant power-doom epic it needed to be." Here's the full review.


Rolling Stone · The Cure Deliver the Power-Doom Epic We’ve Been Waiting ForVon Rob Sheffield
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I got out again today and just mailed my absentee ballot for #HarrisWalz2024 !

Still no water, power, connection, communication, feeling forgotten.

The last thing I downloaded before #Helene hit was the new #TheCure song ALONE, and it’s been my soundtrack all through this. Thank you, #RobertSmith !

People are still talking like this is gonna be 3-4 weeks, but I think 5-10 years just to achieve baseline, and we’ve NEVER had any real infrastructure here.
Now they’re seeing the cost.

OMG i have a zillion thoughts to share on a zillion topics, i have been so lonely and isolated, and it has been driving me NUTS! Feels like we’re at a scary juncture. People are getting desperate and frustrated.

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“At 65, Smith sounds horrified by the idea of life ending: “Where did it go? Where did it go?” he pleads at one affecting juncture. His voice hasn’t changed much over the years, but the singer of Alone sounds very different indeed from the twentysomething who opened One Hundred Years with a nihilistic shrug of “it doesn’t matter if we all die”.”

#TheCure #SongsOfALostWorld #RobertSmith

The Guardian · The Cure: Alone review – majestically wreathed in misery and despairVon Alexis Petridis
Fortgeführter Thread

A l'occasion de la sortie d'un nouveau titre de #TheCure, voici un #JeudiManuscrit dont le rouge à lèvres déborde 😉

Le #lion #RobertSmith est extrait d'un procès-verbal d'élection consulaire, également appelé syndicat, qui liste les représentants de la ville de #lyon élus fin 1741 pour l'année 1742.

Il a été transcrit dans #wikisource lors d'un éditathon : fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Proc%C3

#ArchivesDeLyon cote BB 374

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