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Même s'il est mignon, je doute qu'il se contente de jus de carottes... Ses canines ont l'air bien rouges et il me regarde d'un drôle d'air...

(Aucun Bunnycula n'a été blessé durant ces photos en pleine lumière, il s'est gavé de vitamine D juste avant)

Pour les plus téméraires, vous pouvez l'adopter via le lien suivant, à vos risques et périls... https://ko-fi.com/s/111f62c844

Pattern : crafty Intentions pour la base

#handicraft #bunny #amigurumi #crochet #halloween #mastoart
Edgartown (stm) - Heute vor 75 Jahren starb Samuel A. Montgomery, der Erfinder des Valentinstags und von Halloween. Er brachte mit seinen beiden Erfindungen bis dahin für unvorstellbar gehaltene Umsätze für den amerikanischen und weltweiten Blumen- und Einzelhandel. Heute ist Montgomery jedoch weitgehend vergessen.

🔗 Die ganze Meldung auf: https://www.staatsmedium.de/wissen/vor-75-jahren-erfinder-des-valentinstags-und-halloween-stirbt/

#staatsmedium #satire #nachrichten #nachricht #systempresse #meme #memes #humor #halloween #valentinstag

Finally found a pic of my all-time favorite #Halloween#costume: a Generic Bad Guy from a #1970s#Bollywood masala film!

I was most definitely named 'Zebisko' (my favorite bad guy name, ever, from one of my favorite movies 'Amar Akbar Anthony'), thrifted the green polyester jacket & red 70s tux shirt, and sadly did not grow the #fumanchu (it's fake hair & spirit gum).

I wish I still had that polyester jacket :(

#FunFact: Masala films blend multiple genres into one movie: action, romance, comedy, drama, and - of course - musicals; the best were made in the late #70s and early #80s. #Films are usually 3h long so you get your money's worth and there is literally something for everybody.

Pointless sidenote: people wore #bellbottoms in India throughout the 80s, and as late as 1994 I met a guy in the Bombay airport who dressed like Neil Diamond from the 70s Every Single Day, down to the hair. The anachronism of #Indian fashion before the internet was AWESOME.

#fillims #IndianAmerican
