Finally found a pic of my all-time favorite #Halloween#costume: a Generic Bad Guy from a #1970s#Bollywood masala film!
I was most definitely named 'Zebisko' (my favorite bad guy name, ever, from one of my favorite movies 'Amar Akbar Anthony'), thrifted the green polyester jacket & red 70s tux shirt, and sadly did not grow the #fumanchu (it's fake hair & spirit gum).
I wish I still had that polyester jacket :(
#FunFact: Masala films blend multiple genres into one movie: action, romance, comedy, drama, and - of course - musicals; the best were made in the late #70s and early #80s. #Films are usually 3h long so you get your money's worth and there is literally something for everybody.
Pointless sidenote: people wore #bellbottoms in India throughout the 80s, and as late as 1994 I met a guy in the Bombay airport who dressed like Neil Diamond from the 70s Every Single Day, down to the hair. The anachronism of #Indian fashion before the internet was AWESOME.
#fillims #IndianAmerican