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Wir durften in den letzten 3 Tagen @galaxyfreiburg bei den @ESciTage in Heidelberg in einem Workshop und einem Poster vorstellen. Es freut mich sehr, dass ich hier erstmal zeigen konnte, wie Galaxy auch in den #humanities nützlich ist. Danke allen für das tolle Programm, und für den spannenden und intensiven Austausch über #escience und #fdm . Ich freue mich schon aufs nächste Mal!

Neugierig geworden?

The chair of the National Endowment for the #Humanities, Shelly C. Lowe, left her position on Wednesday “at the direction of President #Trump,” the agency said.

Lowe, a scholar of higher education & the first #NativeAmerican to lead the agency, was nominated by former President Joseph R. #Biden Jr. in Oct 2021 & confirmed by the Senate in Feb 2022. Michael McDonald, the agency’s general council, was named its acting chairman on Wednesday.

#NEH #WhiteSupremacy #USpol

Shelly C. Lowe stepped down as chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities on Wednesday.
The New York Times · Chair of National Endowment for the Humanities Leaves at Trump’s ‘Direction’Von Jennifer Schuessler

Announcing the latest title in Open Humanities Press's MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW series:

Masked Media: What It Means to Be Human in the Age of Artificial Creative Intelligence by Gary Hall.

Available open access - to be downloaded for free:


If we want a socially and environmentally just future, do we need a radical new theory of change – or to radically change theory? Unsettling received ideas of the author and the book, originality and copyright, real and artificial intelligence, Masked Media tests ‘non-modernist-liberal’ modes of creating and sharing knowledge enabled by media technologies, from writing through to GenAI. Thinking outside the black box that renders Euro-Western knowledge-making practices invisible – keeping the human ontologically separate from the nonhuman – it shows there’s no such thing as the human, the nonhuman already being in(the)human.

#newmedia #academicpublishing #experimentalwriting #humanities
#philosophy #ai #openai #genai

Antwortete im Thread

"Rep. 1 "...such a competition is rigged from the beginning, since it is organized by an #oligarch who controls the govt. He is fit. You are not. That is natural."

"Rep. 1. “...yes, the point is to make the #government entirely dysfunctional for the rest of you. But, right, we will keep the govt functional for us..."

Rep. 4 "Of course we lie. Lying is good. Let #science & the #humanities compete with other opinions in a free market of ideas."

#CfP für die Konferenz "„Medical #Humanities & Diversity Studies – Intersektionen medizinischer und diversitätskritischer Diskurse und multidimensionale Perspektiven auf Körper, Psyche, Krankheit und Gesundheit in #Literatur und #Medien des 19. bis 21. Jahr", die vom 30. September 2025 bis 2. Oktober 2025 an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg stattfinden wird.

🗓️Deadline für Abstracts: 15. April 2025

📌Weitere Informationen:
avldigital.de/vernetzen/detail #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik

www.avldigital.deMeldung auf avldigital.de ansehen | View announcement on avldigital.de

Hello #DHd2025 🤩
Wir freuen uns, die diesjährige Internationale Tagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum zu unterstützen.
Kommt vorbei und mit uns ins Gespräch! Ihr findet uns am Stand der #Humanities@NFDI gemeinsam mit unseren geschätzten Kolleg:innen der anderen drei geisteswissenschaftlichen Konsortien der German National Research Data Infrastructure @NFDI: @nfdi4objects, @NFDI4Memory und @Textplus.
Wir freuen uns auf euch! 🎉

#NFDIrocks #NFDI4Culture #nfdi @DHdKonferenz

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Mastodon, gehostet auf hcommons.socialhcommons.socialhcommons.social is a microblogging network supporting scholars and practitioners across the humanities and around the world.