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#BoreDa bawb. Mae hi'n braf eto, felly dwi'n mynd i weithio yn yr ardd y bore 'ma. A choginiais i wyau "dippy" berffaith am frecwast. Bydd rhaid Alfred mynd i'r gwaith am sbel, i wneud ymarfer tân.

#GoodMorning everyone. It's nice again, so I'm going to work in the garden this morning. And I cooked perfect "dippy" eggs for breakfast. Alfred will have to go to work for a while, to do a fire drill.

#BoreDa bawb. Pan o'n i'n aros am y tegell y bore 'ma, gwyliais i dynion y bins (pinc - gwastraf bwyd) anwybyddu ein stryd a gyrru heibio. Wna i adrodd hwyrach. (Maen nhw wedi gwneud hwn o'r blaen, sawl waith)

#GoodMorning everyone. When I was waiting for the kettle this morning, I watched the bin men (pink - food waste) ignore our street and drive past. I will report later. (They've done this before, many times)

#BoreDa bawb. Sori bo' fi'n hwyr, dwi wedi bod i'r siop efo fy Mam, i brynu bacwn, madarch a wyau am frecwast. Wedyn, awn ni gosod y bwrdd gegin newydd, a torri'r gwair, cyn yn mynd adre.

#GoodMorning everyone. Sorry I'm late, I've been to the shop with my Mum to buy bacon, mushrooms and eggs for breakfast. Later, we're going to install the new kitchen table, and cut the grass, before going home.

#BoreDa bawb. Dw i wedi bod i'r gwaith, yn glanhau'r neuadd. Mae Alfred wedi clirio'r gwteri. Paned nawr. Sgwrs Cymraeg i fi y prynhawn 'ma, a mwy o waith i Alfred. Wedyn, glanhau, eto, a swper - spam, wyau a sglodion!

#GoodMorning everyone. I've been to work, cleaning the hall. Alfred has cleared the gutters. Cuppa now. Welsh conversation for me this afternoon, and more work for Alfred. Then, cleaning, again, and dinner - spam, eggs and chips!

#BoreDa bawb. Dechrau araf y bore 'ma. Dyn ni'n mynd i gael brecwast bacwn ac wyau, pan fy Mam yn barod. Wedyn, awn ni adre. Dyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at gysgu mewn gwely ein hunain eto, efo'r blanced trydan!

#GoodMorning everyone. Slow start this morning. We're going to have a bacon and eggs breakfast, when my Mum is ready. Then, we go home. We are looking forward to sleeping in our own bed again, with the electric blanket!

#BoreDa bawb. Dydd Llun arall, wythnos arall. Rhaid i ni tacluso'r ystafell gwestai, cyn ffrind yn dod ar y penwythnos. Dyn ni wedi defnyddio'r ystafell i storio pethau random. Yn lwcus, ein ffrind yn amyneddgar iawn.

#GoodMorning everyone. Another Monday, another week. We have to tidy up the guest room, because a friend is coming at the weekend. We have used the room to store random things. Luckily, our friend is very understanding.

#BoreDa bawb. Mae hi'n llwyd heddiw, ac oer. Felly, amwer i fynd i'r gegin* a phobi sleisys lemon. *Wel, dwi'n yn y gegin yn barod, achos dyn ni'n byw yn y gegin. Ond, ti'n gwybod.

#Good morning everyone. It's gray today, and cold. So, time to go to the kitchen* and bake lemon slices. *Well, I'm in the kitchen already, because we live in the kitchen. But, you know.

#BoreDa bawb. Dwi'n meddwl bod y haul wedi anghofio codi heddiw. Wel, dyn ni'n mynd i #CaffiTrwsio Levelnshulme y bore 'ma. Dylwn i mynd â rhywbeth i wneud, rhag ofn pethau yn dawel. Neu efallai, jyst eistedd a sgwrsio.

#GoodMorning everyone. I think the sun forgot to rise today. Well, we're going to Levelnshulme's #RepairCafé this morning. I should go with something to do, in case things are quiet. Or maybe, just sit and chat.