Siler City, North Carolina. Wagons pulled up in field one block away from the main street
#SilerCity #NorthCarolina #DolesMarket #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Siler City, North Carolina. Wagons pulled up in field one block away from the main street
#SilerCity #NorthCarolina #DolesMarket #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Western Washington, Thurston County, Tenino. Type of residence, one block off main street. General caption number 37
#Western #Washington #ThurstonCounty #Tenino #W-PO209 #DorotheaLanges #Seattle #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Washington, Cowlitz County, Longview. Down one street on Longview homestead project, several years after completion. Note fruit trees
#Washington #CowlitzCounty #Longview #DorotheaLange #American #WashingtonStates #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
The city of San Francisco, California. Seen from the first street ramp of the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
#SanFrancisco #California #first #DorotheaLanges #theGreatDepression #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Looking down one street in newly completed camp (FSA - Farm Security Administration). Note garbage disposal, street lights, street curbing, water tank, and manager's house at end of street. Near McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
Picking cotton. San Joaquin Valley, California
#SanJoaquinValley #California #American #DorotheaLanges #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Cotton picker. San Joaquin Valley, California
#Cotton #SanJoaquinValley #California #DorotheaLanges #Americans #JRPP-49 #Lange #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Cotton picker. Southern San Joaquin Valley, California
#Cotton #California #DorotheaLanges #America #Japanese #English #Lange #theGreatDepression #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Company housing for cotton workers near Corcoran, California
#Corcoran #California #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Check row planting of cotton. A new process which has been long used in corn which practically eliminates need for hand labor at chopping season, just as a mechanical picker would eliminate the hand pickers at harvest. Mississippi Delta near Greenville, Mississippi
#MississippiDelta #Greenville #Mississippi #DorotheaLanges #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Irrigated field of cotton seventy miles from Phoenix, Arizona
#seventymiles #Phoenix #Arizona #DorotheaLanges #theGreatDepression #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Hinds County, Mississippi. "Cotton rules the world," says this sharecropper woman
#HindsCounty #Mississippi #Cotton #Japanese #DorotheaLanges #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
A cotton patch in the Delta area in Mississippi. This area produces 500,000 bales of cotton annually
#Delta #Mississippi #500,000bales #DorotheaLanges #American #DorotheaLange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Cotton hoer. Coahoma County, Mississippi
#Cottonhoer #CoahomaCounty #Mississippi #DorotheaLanges #America #Lange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Cultivating cotton cooperatively at Lake Dick, Arkansas
#LakeDick #Arkansas #America #DorotheaLanges #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Migratory field worker, leader of the cotton strike of October 1938, which took place just before the election. Kern County, California
#KernCounty #California #OLSON #Democratic #Olson #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Buttonwillow, Kern County, California. On the land since the cattle days of Miller and Lux. Now cotton district
#Buttonwillow #KernCounty #California #Miller #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange