Appliqued embroideries for sale on street in front of ten cent store. Saturday afternoon. Siler City, North Carolina
#SilerCity #NorthCarolina #Rosie #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Appliqued embroideries for sale on street in front of ten cent store. Saturday afternoon. Siler City, North Carolina
#SilerCity #NorthCarolina #Rosie #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Siler City, North Carolina. Wagons pulled up in field one block away from the main street
#SilerCity #NorthCarolina #DolesMarket #DorotheaLanges #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
The main street, Fayeteville Street, of Siler City, North Carolina. Contrast with picture of same scene taken twenty five years ago
#FayetevilleStreet #SilerCity #NorthCarolina #TownHall #TheHotelSign #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
New York City. Four firms on 42nd Street in block east of Fifth Avenue were being picketed in this manner on this afternoon
#NewYorkCity #42ndStreet #FifthAvenue #NewYorkCitys #Nunn-Bush" #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Street hawker selling Consumer's Bureau Guide. New York City
#42ndStreet #MadisonAvenue #NewYorkCity #NewYorkCitys #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Street hawker selling Consumer's Bureau Guide. New York City
#42ndStreet #MadisonAvenue #NewYorkCity #ConsumersGuide #ConsumersUnion #Food&Friends #NewYorkCitys #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Traffic on Fifth Avenue approaching 57th Street on a summer afternoon. New York City
#FifthAvenue #57thStreet #NewYorkCity #Chevrolet #Styleline #Park-Tilford #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
"Social Justice," founded by Father Coughlin, sold on important street corners and intersections. New York City
#SocialJustice #Coughlin #NewYorkCity #WorldWarII #DorotheaLange’s #Lange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Fifth Avenue at 44th Street looking north. New York City
#FifthAvenue #44thStreet #NewYorkCity #BankersTrustCompany #NewYorkCitys #DorotheaLange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Fifth Avenue approaching 47th Street. New York City, New York
#FifthAvenue #NewYorkCity #NewYork #Skyview #NewYorkCitys #DorotheaLange #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Fifth Avenue approaching 57th Street. New York City. Some New Yorkers use personally owned limousines driven by private uniformed drivers. New York City, New York
#FifthAvenue #57thStreet #NewYorkCity #NewYorkers #NewYork #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Main Street, Pittsboro, North Carolina
#MainStreet #Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #TheCashGrocery #Coca-ColaandCastile #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Main street, Pittsboro, North Carolina
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #Coca-Cola #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Main street, Saturday afternoon. Pittsboro, North Carolina
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #JonesBros #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Street encounter on a Saturday afternoon. Pittsboro, North Carolina
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Sign tacked to pole near the post office. Main street, Pittsboro, North Carolina
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #America #DorotheaLange’s #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Main street, Saturday afternoon. Pittsboro, North Carolina
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #DorotheaLange #MainStreet #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Shopping and visiting on main street of Pittsboro, North Carolina. Saturday afternoon
#Pittsboro #NorthCarolina #America #the"PilkingtonDrugs #PilkingtonDrugs #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
She awaits the international streetcar at a corner in El Paso, Texas to return across the bridge
#ElPaso #Texas #BoysPantsSpecial #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Fresno. Street corner of San Joaquin Valley town on U.S. 99 showing secondhand store. California
#Fresno #SanJoaquinValley #California #RioStreet #AfricanAmerican #USRoute99 #America #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange