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Blade and Bastard – Band 2 endlich gelesen

Der zweite Band ist nun erschienen, und ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen. Also direkt eingepackt und ab nach Hause und einmal schnell auf die Couch geworfen. Direkt vorneweg noch eine kleine Meinung zwischendurch. Mit knapp 150 Seiten ist nur der reine Manga etwas wenig. Für mich war der Band ein kleines Highlight der letzten Zeit. Das Lesen verging wie im […]

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Another new drawing of an old character from my suspended Wizardry 6–8 playthrough: a Dracon (humanoid dragon-person) samurai named Wrath.

Wrath adventures alongside the monk Motoko, who I drew back in December. That leaves four more characters in the party still to draw, when I find the time.

Then maybe I have another go at Crusaders of the Dark Savant?

Fortgeführter Thread

I was playing the #famicom port of #wizardry emulated on my 3ds handheld, but took a break from it after hearing a rumour that I might be getting a certain gift on father's day (September in Australia) and guess what just showed up today!

Once again I'm faced with save files potentially almost as old as myself. Tempted to keep ガイア (Gaia?) the 15 year old level 28 Dwarven Samurai with outrageous stats and loot

(sorry for the repost, had to fix something)

Landing on the #Exoplanet #Mesklin
It sounded like he said the astronaut landed on mescalin.
#Observer #POV

Anyway. #thinkaboutthis @alexskolnick

There isn't a popular #MedicalScience focused on people who had #brainDamage, experienced a #recovery, and experience #IQ on overdrive.

It's noticeable if you haven't had that for a while. Like realizing there's no longer pain, after taking #glucosamine for a while. That-- at least-- is remarkable.

Why is there #nothing on TV but #politics #racism and the #wealthy #rich #wealth #exhibitionists

I put this #SpaceScience channel on. That's good. What else can I learn? Did you ever notice that? There is nothing about how to #solider or test #amperage
That's is #oldtechnology
What year is the advent of the #transistor? @AceArsenault

In retrospect, I noticed it when I was young but more interested in #guitar #wizardry than whatever they were doing on #FullHouse

Makes sense now, in #perspective
No wonder I never watched TV.

I want to write more about that, but I have other things to do. There's simply not enough #time

#ineedhelp #navigating it

@Catweazle youtu.be/_SfeQa5FEVE?si=b98x1-

www.youtube.com - YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

#Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, das Remake des Klassikers aus dem Jahr 1980, ist jetzt regulär auf #Steam veröffentlicht


Ich trau mich nicht ran - ich hab so viele gute Erinnerungen an das Original und fürchte das Remake kann dem niemals gerecht werden. Hat's jemand von euch getestet?

store.steampowered.comWizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord on SteamWizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord is a full 3D remake of the first game in the legendary Wizardry series of RPGs.