At last, there's spring flowers coming up at the local botanical gardens.
Finally Friday
#Gardening people
Got water barrels out of storage
And leveled . . .
Ahead of rainy weekend
Doing their thing!
Maybe new #GardenersWorld
Airs tonight?
New and replanted bulbs update. More crocuses have sprouted and maybe one of the daffodil bulbs they are planted on top of. This is the last to bloom daffodil spot. The circle of daffodils in the warm area are mostly up but none in the cool circle. One daffodil in a container is up a little. The snowdrops are done blooming.
Schneeglöckchen hatten wir, glaube ich, noch nicht. Ein kleines Meer davon am Wegesrand. Dank der Wärme der letzten Tage schon kurz vor'm Verblühen.
Everything is super dry in the forest but the snopdrops managed to make it regardless. This bee was very happy about them.
CW closeup of insect