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Mark Pocan explaining how social security taxes are capped at $175,000 for high earners. If the cap was removed it would help the solvency of social security. Visit to discuss concerns and explains budget discussions in Belmont, WI today. It is very nice to see how it should work with our Representatives. #Pocan #March #Wisconsin #Belmont pocan.house.gov/media-center/p

Mrs. Belmont Tiffany working for the wounded. Mrs. Belmont Tiffany and another American Red Cross worker supervising the installation of an American Red Cross Sunshine Room in an American hospital. When all other means fail to bring the wounded men back to a cheerful mental condition, they are placed in these cheerful and home-like rooms. Rooms of this sort are used largely for men suffering shell shock

#BelmontTiffany #Belmont #AmericanRedCross #American #theAmericanRedCross #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor


They had a national anthem after the 6th race and the singer was really good so I didn’t mind much —but New Yorkers are some of the silliest people on the planet even more people were standing for “New York, New York” which everyone seems to like even though the lyrics are rather grim and don’t exactly put the city in the most friendly light. But, no matter, I know all the words! #belmont #belmontstakes

It's Belmont Stakes day, which is as good a time as any to point out:

Win or lose, race #horses are just one of the many #hobbies that help the ultrawealthy create huge write-offs that can let them get away with paying little or no income #tax for as much as a decade at a time.

#Belmont #BelmontStakes #HorseRacing #Gambling #IRS #Taxes


ProPublicaWhen You’re a Billionaire, Your Hobbies Can Slash Your Tax Bill
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