This week's #SundayLunch is full of meaty, gooey goodness! Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food
This week's #SundayLunch is full of meaty, gooey goodness! Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food
This week’s #SundayLunch is that classic holiday dish, scrambled eggs with canned soup. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #Christmas #food
This week’s #SundayLunch is cold canned chicken soup. Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
#VintageAd #food #soup
This week's #SundayLunch is easy to make and definitely won't have you fussing for hours over arranging individual beans in gelatin! Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #food #NotASalad
I'm terribly sorry, but this week's #SundayLunch looks like literal vomit. I'm not even going to add my usual encouragement to try it at home. Just don't.
#vintage #food
This week's #SundayLunch is salmon just the way you like it: crusty. Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
#vintageAd #food #regret
This week's #SundayLunch contains no gelatin, for a change!
[reads recipe]
...contains only four envelopes of gelatin! Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
This week's #SundayLunch comes courtesy of the Fruit Producers Council, who clearly can't be trusted to tell a pear from a prune. Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
#vintage #food
This week's #SundayLunch has a title that starts off well and gets worse as it goes along. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food #cooking
This week's #SundayLunch is a "salad" with lime Jell-O, cottage cheese, marshmallows, and not a vegetable in sight. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #gelatin #food
This week's #SundayLunch is that famous Polish speciality, the Clown Ham. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #ham #pork #food
This week's #SundayLunch is Jugged Hare, which is British for "eldritch abomination". Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #British #food
This week's #SundayLunch is sauerkraut Jell-O, served with a dollop of mayo for that authentic mid-century flair. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food #gelatin
With gooey salami and unidentifiable greens, this week's #SundayLunch has something for everyone! Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food
This week's #SundayLunch is green beans with some come on. Says so right there. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #gross #food
This week's #SundayLunch goes where no canned soup has gone before. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintageAd #food #tuna
This week's #SundayLunch can also be used as a prop for a fan remake of Alien. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #uncomfortable #food
This week's #SundayLunch looks like the aftermath of a terrible accident. Try it at home! (Or don't.)
#vintage #food #eggs
This week's #SundayLunch is canned tuna and mushroom soup with Rice Krispies. I wish I was making this up.
Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
#vintageAd #food #Kelloggs