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I'm on a radical filmmakers list and someone share this message:

In light of the current events in #Palestine a large number of filmmakers have made their films about Palestine available online for free.
In this post, we share with you links to films you can view and share to get our message out to the world:

"Keeper of Memory" documentary: youtu.be/eywuYeflWzg
"Empty Seat" documentary: youtu.be/an4hRFWOSQQ
"Resistance Pilot" documentary: youtu.be/wqSmdZy-Xcg
"Jenin" documentary: vimeo.com/499672067
"The Olive Tree" documentary: vimeo.com/432062498
"Scenes from the Occupation in Gaza" documentary 1973: youtu.be/1JlIwmnYnlE
Documentary "Gaza Fights For Freedom": youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s
Documentary "Arna's Children": youtu.be/cQZiHgbBBcI
Short Film "Strawberry": vimeo.com/209189656/e5510a6064
Short Film "The Place": youtu.be/fgcIVhNvsII
Documentary "The Mayor": youtu.be/aDvOnhssTcc
Documentary "The Creation and the Nakba 1948": youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs
Documentary "Occupation 101": youtu.be/C56QcWOGSKk
"The Shadow of Absence" Documentary: vimeo.com/220119035
"The Don't Exist" Documentary: youtu.be/2WZ_7Z6vbsg
"As The Poet Said" Documentary: vimeo.com/220116068
"Five Broken Cameras" Documentary: youtu.be/TZU9hYIgXZw
"Paradise Now" Feature Film: vimeo.com/510883804
"Abnadam" Short Film: youtu.be/I--r85cOoXM
"Wedding of Galilee": youtu.be/dYMQw7hQI1U
The feature film "Keffiyeh": vimeo.com/780695653
The documentary film "Slingshot Hip Hop": youtu.be/hHFlWE3N9Ik
The documentary film "Tall al-Zaatar": youtu.be/Ma8H3sEbqtI
The documentary film "Tall al-Zaatar - The Secrets of the Battle": youtu.be/Ma8H3sEbqtI
The documentary film "In the Grip of the Resistance": youtu.be/htJ10ACWQJM
The documentary film "Swings": youtu.be/gMk-Zi9vTGs
The documentary film "Naji al-Ali: An Artist with Vision: youtu.be/Y31yUi4WVsU
"The Upper Gate" Documentary: vimeo.com/433362585
"In Search of Palestine" Documentary: vimeo.com/184213685?1
"Salt of this Sea" Feature Film: bit.ly/3c10G3Z
"Speak, Bird" Documentary: youtu.be/wdkoxBjKM1Q
"The Palestinian Exodus" Series: bit.ly/3bXNAVp
"I Am Jerusalem" Series: bit.ly/3hG8sDV

• A collection of documentaries published by Al Jazeera Documentary:

youtu.be- YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

Stop the genocide

De Dam, Amsterdam, zondag 23 maart om 14:00 CET


Wij roepen iedereen op tot dringende massademonstratie.

📍Amsterdam De Dam
📅 Zondag 23 maart | 14:00 uur

📌Tag en deel met je netwerk

bron (⚠️FB) https://www.instagram.com/p/DHa_RV2N16Y

Organizatoren: Centrum de middenweg, Palestijnse Gemeenschap NL(PGNL), AGD Nederland, Federatie Islamitische Organizaties(FIO), Plant een Olijfboom, Rotterdam Palestinal Coalitie(RPC), Internationale Socialisten, Utrecht4Palestine, StudentEncampment, Eindhoven4Palestine, W4, BrabantForPalestine(BFP), Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine, Zaankanters voor Palestina


Emergency sit-in voor Gaza

Station Nijmegen, donderdag 20 maart om 17:00 CET

Nijmegen For Palestine, Nijmegen Student Encampment, Platform Stop Racisme en Fascisme (bron/source)

🚨🚨 Emergency sit-in 🚨🚨

📍 Nijmegen train station

⏱️ Thursday (March 20th) 17:00

Gaza is under attack!

After successive and repeated breaks to the ceasefire agreement, Israel has restarted its genocidal aggression on Gaza.

We are not gonna sit back as Israel’s kills 500 Palestinians in ONE night!!

We are ending Dutch complicity NOW!



#GazaProtest #DontBuyApartheid

"New Campaign: Don't Buy Apartheid" [1:54 min]
by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)


Quote by PSC:
"Mar 12, 2025
PSC has launched an important new campaign: Don't Buy Apartheid.
We're calling on all individuals, shops, cafés, and venues to engage in two key boycott actions: boycott Israeli produce, and boycott Coca-Cola.
Join your local PSC branch and take action at supermarkets selling these goods, and reach out to local shops, restaurants and venues to ask them to pledge to join the boycott and display a campaign poster."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#Gaza #UN #FrancescaAlbanese on #Genicide

This one is a bit longer and therefore more substantial.

The Genocide = #ExterminationOfAPeople is live on your tv and your phone.
Franceska talks about the legal and global aspects of the Palestinian genocide...
While I'm not being anti-semitic I say:
#Netanyahu is [like] a Nazi !
The Holocaust was terribly wrong as IS the Gaza-genocide !
I say: #NeverAgain

""Genocide as Colonial Erasure": U.N. Expert Francesca Albanese on Israel's "Intent to Destroy" Gaza" [26:10 min]
by Democracy Now!


Quote by DN!:
"Oct 31, 2024
We are joined by U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, Francesca Albanese, who says Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Facing accusations of antisemitism from Israeli and U.S. officials, Albanese is in New York to present her report, titled "Genocide as colonial erasure," which finds that Israel's genocide is founded on "ideological hatred" and "dehumanization" and "enabled through the various organs of the state," and recommends that Israel be unseated from the United Nations over its conduct. She argues that Israel's attacks on U.N. employees, including the killings of at least 230 U.N. staff in Gaza, its flagrant violations of U.N. resolutions and international law and the unique status of "the first settler-colonial genocide to be ever litigated before [an international] court" justify this measure. Israel's continued impunity, Albanese warns, "is the nail in the coffin of the U.N. Charter."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#Gaza #FrancescaAlbanese #UNassembly

"UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese criticises UN's inaction on Gaza"
by TRT World


Quote by TRTW:
"Oct 31, 2024
"But is it possible that after 42,000 people killed you cannot empathise with the Palestinians?"
Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, expressed her frustration at the UN General Assembly's inaction on the Israeli aggression in Gaza during a meeting on October 30."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#Westbank The reality of #Checkpoints

It's not only bullets... checkpoints kill economy, commerce and manufacturing.

"Israeli checkpoints cripple Palestinian daily life in occupied West Bank" [2:55 min]
by Al Jazeera English


Quote by AJE:
"Mar 18, 2025
The Israeli military has continued its raids across the occupied West Bank.
The UN says more than 200 families have been forcibly displaced from their homes in Tulkarem this past weekend.
Israel is restricting the movement of Palestinians with nearly 1000 checkpoints and roadblocks which dissect the occupied West Bank.
People are forced to wait for hours or take risky detours.
Businesses are taking a deep hit in an already struggling economy."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#Westbank #SettlerHarassment with death

and I bet they were laughing doing it.

"Israeli settler blocks ambulance"
by MiddleEastEye


Quote by MEE:
"Mar 16, 2025
Video footage from a Palestinian ambulance shows a settler attempting to block the ambulance in the West Bank moments before a Palestinian driver maneuvered past the settler's vehicle to clear the way."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#GazaProtests #Jeruzalem #Israel

"Israelis Protest Against Airstrikes ‘Worst Day Of Gaza War’" [ ± 1min]
by NewsweekMag


Quote by NwM:
"Mar 18, 2025
Israelis gathered outside Israeli government headquarters in Jerusalem on Tuesday to protest against the latest wave of airstrikes on Gaza. One protester called it “the worst day of the three years of this Gaza war.”

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

#GazaProtest #Malmö #Sweden

"Pro-Palestine protesters in Malmo sing Swedish band Kofia’s pro-Palestine song"
by MiddleEastEye


Quote by MEE:
"2023, Nov 13
Pro-Palestine protesters in Sweden sang Leve Palestina, a song by Swedish band Kofia, during a demonstration calling for an end to Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip in Malmo on Sunday.
The song, which translates to “long live Palestine” and has been described by some as an anthem for the Palestinian cause, has become popular on social media."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

Emergency protest for Gaza

De Dam, Amsterdam, woensdag 19 maart om 16:00 CET

Meerdere organisatoren (bron)


In just one night, more than 340 people were killed, including 51 children. The genocide in Gaza must stop!

📅 Wednesday, March 19
📍 Amsterdam Dam
🕓 16:00

Be there. Make your voice heard. ✊

Photo credit : Islam Nour


Protest voor Palestina

18 Septemberplein, Eindhoven, dinsdag 18 maart om 17:00 CET

🚨 emergency protest today at 17:00 ‼️


In just 10 hours, the Zionjst occupation massacred 412+ Palestinians, incl 130+ children, in violent bombings as people slept.

Eindhoven for Palestine calls for urgent mass demonstrations to demand an end to the violence and hold the occupation accountable for the relentless genocide in Gaza.

🗓️ Today (Tuesday 18th March)

🕔 17:00

📍 18 Septemberplein


Todon Acties · Protest voor Palestina> 🚨 emergency protest today at 17:00 ‼️ > > Israeli OCCUPATION ENDS CEASEFIRE! ‼️ > > In just 10 hours, the Zionjst occupation massacred 412+ Palestinians, incl > 130+ children, in violent bombings as people slept. > > Eindhoven for Palestine calls for urgent mass demonstrations to demand an end > to the violence and hold the occupation accountable for the relentless > genocide in Gaza. > > 🗓️ Today (Tuesday 18th March) > > 🕔 17:00 > > 📍 18 Septemberplein

Emergency protest Utrecht against Genocide

Stadskantoor Utrecht, dinsdag 18 maart om 17:00 CET

Vanmiddag vanaf 17.00 uur verzamelen we voor het Stadskantoor voor een emergency protest. Zoals verwacht heeft Israël met massaal geweld het bestand met Hamas kapot gebombardeerd. Met opnieuw honderden onschuldige slachtoffers.

Onze landelijke politiek is vanaf het begin medeplichtig geweest aan de genocide in Gaza. Ook nu weer komt het kabinet met een laffe reactie. Daarom roepen we lokale bestuurders op zich uit te spreken. In het bijzonder in Utrecht waar het stadsbestuur zo trots is op de titel VN Mensenrechtenstad. Van mooie woorden naar daadkrachtige actie.


Spoedactie tegen genocide door Israël in Gaza

Station Rotterdam Centraal, dinsdag 18 maart om 16:00 CET

Als reactie op de voortdurende brute agressie van de zionistische bezetting tegen ons volk in Palestina,
en de aanhoudende genocide tegen onze mensen in Gaza,

roept de Palestijnse gemeenschap in Nederland (PGNL) op tot dringende massademonstraties
om een einde te eisen aan de agressie en om de bezetting ter verantwoording te roepen.

Dinsdag 18-03
Rotterdam - Stationsplein 16:00


#Gaza #WhatCeaseFire #GunsForIftar

"Israeli drone fires at worshippers" [ ± 1min]
by MiddleEastEye


Quote by MEE:
"Mar 15, 2025
Worshippers, including children, endured terrifying moments inside a mosque in Gaza's Rafah neighbourhood during sunset prayer and iftar when an Israeli quadcopter drone surrounded the building and opened heavy fire."

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus