Day 19 GTA San Andreas
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
Day 19 GTA San Andreas
The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.
One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.
>> In his discussion with Musk, Trump again claims that rising ocean levels are great because "they'll create more beachfront property." … impossible to fathom
great pun
>> He is literally a cartoon villain. Literally Lex Luthor.
#LexLuthor only targeted the #SanAndreas Fault, a small sliver of #California
#ClimateChange and rising ocean levels will devastate the WHOLE planet, and no #Superman will be able to save us.
This rattling is orders of magnitude worse
"Half-Bathed in Forest"
Three photos from a forest hike at Palomar Mountain, with a humbling realization about plant distribution along fault lines.
In #GTA #SanAndreas fallen ohne ersichtlichen Grund manchmal Flugzeuge vom Himmel. Nach 20 Jahren meldet sich der #Entwickler zu Wort, der das System programmiert hat und erklärt das Phänomen:,142076.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Balanced Boulders On San Andreas Fault Suggest The 'Big One' Won't Be As Destructive As Once Thought
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #model #modeling #earthquake #faulting #prediction #reconstruction #dating #risk #hazard #hazardassessment #shaking #seismic #earthquakeengineering #LoveJoyButtes #hazardmodel #earthquakemodel #CA #California #geology #engineeringgeology #SanAndreasFault #SanAndreas #fault #groundmotion #history #holocene #earthquakehazard #Mojave #validation #returnperiod #magnitude #mathematicalmodeling
Balanced boulders on San Andreas fault suggest the 'Big One' won't be as destructive as once thought, Live Science Reports:
@jwildeboer If you wait long enough houses here in L.A. will be just west of San Francisco. Admittedly, it's a long wait. #SanAndreas
Action movies released in 2015…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 3.
Heute mal wieder #GTA #SanAndreas gespielt (ich hatte noch ein Savegame von 2014! ) und bin da auf eine Tankstelle gestoßen, dessen Symbol mich an etwas erinnert hat... #X
Why hasn't LA seen a big #SanAndreas quake recently? Researchers find a clue.
Why hasn’t L.A. seen a big San Andreas quake recently? Researchers find a clue
A new study provides a possible answer — the drying Salton Sea, about 150 miles southeast of L.A., and the lack of sudden, major floodwaters funneling into it since it formed more than a century ago. #california #earthquake #SanAndreas #SaltonSea
Heute geht es weiter ab 16:00 Uhr (MEZ) in #GTASanAndreas
#GTA #SanAndreas #PS5Live #Playstation5 #TwitchDE #Twitch #TwitchGER #twitchdeutschland #twitchgermany