Calling #DigitalHumanities as well as all academics working with data models:
Do you know of other ontologies at the whim of the US administration?
Calling #DigitalHumanities as well as all academics working with data models:
Do you know of other ontologies at the whim of the US administration?
I will tell you what could be the next great school of thought. A commingling of:
- #ecology
- Space and Place
- Behavioral Studies
I would even say such a commingling would supersede what has been my primary preoccupation, #ViolenceStudies. The above could rise above that and lead the way.
I am giving it to you free of charge. It would be the new #ontology.
@tg9541 @bookstodon @philosophy
yes, agree in a way. but do not see a win in playing off those two against each other, as later (after their common work PM) their work developed rather independently in more or less complementary areas, sometimes overlapping in #PhilSci topics.
E.g., if one focusses in #philosophy first of all on questions of #ontology (of science), ANW's process ontology will be much more impressive than the duplicating entities of logical constructs in say 'logical atomism' (which imop is a late and needless sin of BR).
If, on the other hand, the main focus is #logic and logic related
#epistemology and/or #PhilMath, there is roughly anything deeper and more worth considering than say the theory of incomplete symbols; and perhaps no more careful and penetrating study than the ramified theory of types as developed from the circulus vitiosus argument, even when this theory was abandoned in the sequel for independent reasons.
On #ThisDayInHistory in 1677, the #Dutch philosopher #BaruchSpinoza died. A pioneer in #HigherCriticism for scripture, #Spinoza's work in #ethics & #ontology inspired #Enlightenment deists & scientists, as well as later perspectivists like #Nietzsche.
Academic libraries face challenges in managing diverse data collections. A new ontology-driven knowledge base improves semantic search, integrating structured and unstructured data. Using SPARQL queries from LLM prompts, it enhances knowledge retrieval. Evaluated for accuracy and scalability, it advances computational archival science.
#DigitalHumanities #Ontology #SemanticSearch #AcademicLibraries
1/2 The Spatio-Temporal Data on the Web Working Group (#SDWWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (#W3C) was recently re-chartered. The next two years I will be co-chairing this group with Rob Atkinson (#OGC).
There is a great deal brewing up in the #GeoSemantics space, to name just a few:
- #SOSA 2.0
- #GeoDCAT
- #WebVMW
- An #Ontology for Coordinate Reference Systems (#CRS)
- A #3D extension for #GeoSPARQL
Join in!
I am having some trouble with OntoFox to import parts of the UniProt ontology, especially for the “Protein” class. I get some annotations error instead of requested annotations. I don’t want to import it wholesale in my custom one. Maybe there is an alternative to OntoFox?
I used to think #fascism was a "thing," like an object that had properties which could be identified, an essence that could be defined, and boundaries you could use to say "here: this is where they crossed the line."
Robert Paxton's book was the first to break this illusion for me. Fascism (like everything else) is a process. It's a logic which unfolds over time differently in each context.
When don't look for the thing, we look for the process.
What's so "expansive" about the atheism that appears in the argument from freedom?
The argument from freedom starts with the atheistic belief that there is no Creator; but also... there are no truly fundamental laws of physics; no external influencers on the universe; no external sources; no external causes. Nothing is "outside of" or "prior to" to reality. There are no brute facts imposed upon reality, as if from the outside.
Why? Well - atheism is just a belief - I don't have an argument for it. But I can share that do not believe it makes any sense for reality to be subject to constraints because, to me, it is a sort of anthropomorphization: we are highly constrained creatures, and we misapply our experience to what we imagine reality to be like.
I call all these things (Gods, Laws, Brute Facts, etc.) "constraints" - and I don't believe reality as a whole can be constrained.
In the *argument from freedom*, one starts with an expansive form of atheism, and... what sort of philosophy is this? It lives in the same space as atheism: it is a completely different sort of philosophy depending on whether or not it's correct. On the one hand, if it's true, the whole argument is about human ideas and which ones are wrong. But if it's false, it is an incorrect argument about reality itself.
But hold on...
An interesting feature of #atheism is that if atheism is true, it is not a belief about reality itself. It is instead a belief about human ideas: that certain human ideas about reality are false.
But if atheism is false, it is indeed about reality (albeit a wrong idea about reality).
The man who studies the spread of ignorance
Georgina Kenyon for BBC (2016)
"Agnotology is the study of wilful acts to spread confusion and deceit, usually to sell a product or win favour
It comes from agnosis, the neoclassical Greek word for ignorance or ‘not knowing’, and ontology, the branch of metaphysics which deals with the nature of being."
In only one week, "3. Workshop: Ontologies4Chem – Ontologies for chemistry" starts.
We have registrations from around the globe . Don't miss this opportunity to discuss Status Reports, New Developments & Industry Collaboration.
This year’s workshop is organized by NFDI4Chem in collaboration with @nfdi4cat
Register now:
Heute ist das SCDH auf der Tagung "Linked Open Data and Literary Studies" an der FU Berlin mit dem Vortrag "Intertextuality in the Semantic Web" vertreten, vorgetragen durch Christian Lück. Wir freuen uns!
Vollständiges Tagungsprogramm:
#SemanticWeb #linkeddata #ontology #literarystudies #intertextuality @umblaetterer
FREE community #fediscience, please BOOST!
This evening in London
Everybody welcome, just turn up!
Tues Nov 12 18:30
(London UK)
with #DeniseArnold
LIVE @UCLanthropology
And on ZOOM
'Sea shells, women's blood and an Andean bioclimatology of water'
LIVE in the Daryll Forde Room, 2nd Floor of the UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW
ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak
Denise Arnold explores the mutual rearing practices between Andean populations and water, in its different manifestations, as a key life-giving element in their mountainous habitat. Andean animist ontologies recognise how humans and water flow are constituted mutually, through a dynamic relationality, which extends to other aquatic phenomena, including the sea-shell Spondylus princeps. This knowledge is learned and transmitted between the generations in the rites of passage of adolescent girls and boys, when they learn an interdependence with water, establish relations with water beings, and practice equivalences between their own blood flow and water flow.
Examined in this context are Inka rites of passage, a school ritual focused on learning about water flow, a female rite of passage when women learn to use particular designs and colours in their weavings, and a ritual offering of Spondylus to high mountain shrines. These practices are situated in the emerging discipline of bioclimatology.
Denise, an Anglo-Bolivian anthropologist, directs the Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Aymara, in La Paz, Bolivia. She will be LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor, UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, WC1H 0BW. Please arrive by 6:30pm before doors close. Or join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak
always nice to hear your research is still relevant :) thanks @jannahastings, @steinbeck, @n10705013 and others!
"eNanoMapper: harnessing ontologies to enable data integration for nanomaterial risk assessment"
Interested in reading more about the #ontology development in @nfdi4objects? #Heterogenous and #multidisciplinary data can be mapped to describe the #objectcycle. Here is the latest presentation from Sarah Wagner and me: #objectdata #objects #objectbiography #dataintegration #archaeology #heritage #digitalheritage #nfdirocks #wisski #minimalmetadata #ontologydevelopment #lido #cidoccrm
Today, our #TS4NFDI proposal for the #Base4nfdi integration phase was accepted by the 26 consortia of the #NFDI .
I'm happy that we could continue our journey with new great project partners such as @nichtich from @nfdi4objects @epoz and Kolja Bailly from @nfdi4culture and Timo Mühlhaus from @nfdi4plants in 2025.
#nfdirocks #ontology #terminology
You could find the proposal for the intregration phase at Zenodo: