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Nicht nur #Bienen: Was #Mücken, #Fliegen und #Wespen für uns tun –

Eine Meta-Studie, in der 39 internationale Studien zusammengefasst wurden, fand noch mehr heraus: Zwischen 25 und 50 Prozent aller #Blütenbesuche werden nicht von Bienen erbracht, sondern von anderen #Insekten: #Fliegen, #Käfern, #Ameisen, #Motten und #Schmetterlingen. Eine weitere Studie der TU München bestätigt die Wichtigkeit dieser "Nicht-#Bienen"-Bestäuber.
#Wildbienen #Honigbienen #Bienen #Hummel #hymenoptera #biodiversität #artenschutz #Artenvielfalt #landwirtschaft

Eine gelb-schwarze Wespe in Großaufnahme
Deutsche Welle · Nicht nur Bienen: Was Mücken, Fliegen und Wespen für uns tunVon Jeannette Cwienk

Bumblebee queen, Bombus terrestris, on a crocus flower, and covered in bright yellow pollen. About 4 to 5 cm. There were at least two individuals this afternoon. The buzzing of these gentle giants introduces Spring for me here in Pembroke college gardens, Cambridge, UK.


iNaturalistUnterart Bombus terrestris audaxBombus terrestris audax von Pembroke College, Cambridge, Anglaterra, GB am 28. Februar 2025 um 01:57 PM von Albert Cardona. Queen, covered in pollen. On crocus flowers.

Here is an excellent high quality and factual *new* video on the evolution of ants from the generically named "Ants Documentary" channel.

I was worried it'd be AI slop, but it's not. although they could do better image and video attribution IMO. But, it's just some ant fan going off so I'm not mad. #antvideos #ants #youTube #Hymenoptera



"...conspicuous spots are more likely to evolve in forest-dwelling species and in areas with more canopy cover, whereas species inhabiting open areas and deserts tend to lose them... taxa with conspicuous spots transition between open and forested habitats less often... We suggest that spots in velvet ants require complex visual environments to be effective... In simpler environments, carrying conspicuous spots could be costly..."



Una femella de Ancistrocerus biphaleratus acaba de localitzar una eruga, un cop paralitzada amb el seu fibló la transporta al seu niu. Després d'emmagatzemar un nombre suficient d'erugues, la vespa pon un ou al niu i el tanca. La larva de la vespa s'alimenta de les erugues paralitzades, que romanen vives però immòbils fins que són consumides.


#Cuckoowasps (#Chrysididae) always have a close relationship with other insects, mostly other #Hymenoptera, they can be brood parisites, which kill the host larva but mostly feeding their #foodsupply. They can also be #parasitoids that feed on older larvae or pupae. I previously identified the species shown as #Hedychrum #rutilans, but it may be H. #gerstaeckeri, the #hosts would then be: #Cerceris rybyensis and C. ruficornis. #biodiversity
© #StefanFWirth #Berlin 2020, new edit & text 2025