in any other context Emergent Engineering would sound like an excuse.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Emergent Engineering at the Santa Fe Institute.
so i am going to post a thread of some graphs about the human situation on the planet. some show data, some show concepts. all of them are going to be pretty depressing, so buckle up.
Nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and networks: Dedicated to Jürgen Kurths' 70th birthday, the journal Chaos has published a whole focus issue highlighting the far-reaching impact of Jürgen Kurths’ research across multiple disciplines. It showcases 84 scientific papers, exploring current progress on issues such as time series analysis, data-driven modeling from real data.
Recommended reading for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of #complexsystems:
Reminder that we've got a 3-year post-doc position open at the @invcomplexity, IT:U Linz, Austria, on complex systems and network science!
The deadline is Nov 30.
Please get in contact if you have any questions about the position.
More information at:
#complexsystems #networkscience @academicchatter @complexsystems @networkscience Rosen talked a lot about the distinction between simple and complex systems. Essentially, simple systems can be built from parts, like a clock. Complex objects, on the other hand, are things with many models. Like time, or music, or a plant. No single description is enough.
He went further, saying that when studying a complex system, one can "throw away the matter and study the organization" to learn those things that are essential.
He was talking about Category Theory and its use in studying the organization of organisms.
A complex system, you might say, is not decomposable into parts. In this manner the complex :: simple distinction is akin to the difference in monoidal :: Cartesian tensor products in a monoidal closed category. Cartesian products have projections, you can take them apart. A monoidal product does not. You can only make inferences about their structure (make models)
My paper on land use change modeling based on the Ising model is featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Physics
Physics meets geography to understand landscape evolution!
Original paper:
Can't believe the news about the Nobel prize in Physics 2024?
I have explained on #ComplexityThoughts why the work by Hopfield and Hinton is closely related to physics more than you can imagine.
Hello world! We're a research group led by Tiago Peixoto (@tiago) at the newly founded IT:U, Linz, Austria.
We focus on inverse problems in network science and complex systems.
Follow this account to get scientific updates!
Our 95-page mega-review article is out on arXiv!
"Structural Robustness and Vulnerability of Networks" (by Alice C. Schwarze, Jessica Jiang, Jonny Wray, Mason A. Porter):
This is a very ambitious article, which was led superbly by Alice. Hopefully, our article will guide research on this topic for a decade or more.
I gave an introduction to ABMs talk this week and struggled to find a simple concise definition of agent-based modelling.
Does anyone have a favourite definition of ABMs? (with a source).
Perfect example of how culture changes biology.
"After studying more than 4,000 children at Sydney 1mary & 2dary schools for 3 yrs, children who spent less time outside were at greater risk of developing myopia." Let the kids play out in the open, dammit! #complexsystems #myopia #culturechangesbiology #playoutside
#Journals | EPJ B
#CallForPapers for a #TopicalIssue on “Mathematical Modeling in Condensed Matter and Complex Systems: Limits and Pitfalls”
Guest Editors from #UniversitätSaarland
June 30, 2024
#CondensedMatter #ComplexSystems #MathematicalModeling #Physics #AcademicResearch #ScientificResearch
#sciences #ScienceMastodon
@ScienceScholar @academicsunite @academicchatter
Higher-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal hypergraphs
by Luca Gallo, Lucas Lacasa, Vito Latora & Federico Battiston
Die Website unserer Abteilung im neuen Design... @DLR Institut für Softwaretechnologie — Abteilung Intelligente und Verteilte Systeme
Der Fokus der Abteilung liegt auf der Erforschung, Konzeption und Verbesserung komplexer Systeme und Prozesse im Forschungs- und Anwendungskontext.
Five Models for Making Sense of Complex Systems
| by Christina Wodtke
| Medium
Five diagrams are particularly useful for understanding complex systems. This seems more important every day, as we are all complexifying things full time.
Short essay in the latest #ComplexityThoughts: Following up on assembly theory
News from the academic debate around the theory, with two papers.
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