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Nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and networks: Dedicated to Jürgen Kurths' 70th birthday, the journal Chaos has published a whole focus issue highlighting the far-reaching impact of Jürgen Kurths’ research across multiple disciplines. It showcases 84 scientific papers, exploring current progress on issues such as time series analysis, data-driven modeling from real data.

📚 Recommended reading for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of #complexsystems: pubs.aip.org/cha/collection/12

Reminder that we've got a 3-year post-doc position open at the @invcomplexity, IT:U Linz, Austria, on complex systems and network science!

The deadline is Nov 30.

Please get in contact if you have any questions about the position.

More information at: skewed.de/lab/call.html

#complexsystems #networkscience @academicchatter @complexsystems @networkscience

social.skewed.deTiago Peixoto (@tiago@social.skewed.de)Angehängt: 1 Bild 🚨Job alert!🚨 Come join us at the Inverse Complexity Lab! @invcomplexity We’re hiring a post-doctoral researcher to join our group at IT:U, Linz, Austria. https://skewed.de/lab/call.html Deadline is 30 Nov 2024. We are looking for an early-stage or more advanced postdoctoral scholar who is interested in building on our ongoing projects, or developing their own research agenda related to inverse problems in network science, complex systems modeling, and/or connections to machine learning. This position is not bound to a particular research project, and the successful applicant will enjoy intellectual independence and freedom to choose research topics. We’re seeking applicants with a background in Physics, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, or related fields, and with an interest in interdisciplinary research. This position is guaranteed for 3 years. The gross salary range is € 66,532 to € 72,000 (indexed for inflation), depending on previous experience. The employment conditions in Austria include completely free health care (also for family members), social security benefits, 25 days per year of paid vacations, flexible working hours, and possibility of home office. In addition, IT:U will provide a KlimaTicket—a unified transport pass which gives free access to the entire transportation system in Austria, including trains and local public transport. Location IT:U is a brand new public university in Austria, which began operations with its first cohort of professors in 2024, and is devoted to interdisciplinary research. It is co-located with the Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz, at the Science Park campus. Linz is the third largest city in Austria with a population of 200k, centrally located only 1h15m away from Vienna by train, and short connections to Germany, Italy, and other neighboring countries. For more information, see the call at https://skewed.de/lab/call.html Spread the word! #networkscience @academicchatter@a.gup.pe

Robert Rosen talked a lot about the distinction between simple and complex systems. Essentially, simple systems can be built from parts, like a clock. Complex objects, on the other hand, are things with many models. Like time, or music, or a plant. No single description is enough.

He went further, saying that when studying a complex system, one can "throw away the matter and study the organization" to learn those things that are essential.

He was talking about Category Theory and its use in studying the organization of organisms.

A complex system, you might say, is not decomposable into parts. In this manner the complex :: simple distinction is akin to the difference in monoidal :: Cartesian tensor products in a monoidal closed category. Cartesian products have projections, you can take them apart. A monoidal product does not. You can only make inferences about their structure (make models)

Perfect example of how culture changes biology.

"After studying more than 4,000 children at Sydney 1mary & 2dary schools for 3 yrs, children who spent less time outside were at greater risk of developing myopia." Let the kids play out in the open, dammit! #complexsystems #myopia #culturechangesbiology #playoutside


NatureThe myopia boom - NatureShort-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions. Some scientists think they have found a reason why.

Die Website unserer Abteilung im neuen Design... @DLR Institut für Softwaretechnologie — Abteilung Intelligente und Verteilte Systeme dlr.de/de/sc/ueber-uns/abteilu
Der Fokus der Abteilung liegt auf der Erforschung, Konzeption und Verbesserung komplexer Systeme und Prozesse im Forschungs- und Anwendungskontext.