#TheView Reveals What #VicePresident #KamalaHarris Did During #CommercialBreak — Right After #View #CoHost #Blurts ‘#Trump Is A #Racist!’
#whoopigoldberg Listen she’s not going to get everything right for everybody on day one. But I believe she’s actually going to do her best to try to do it. I want that.
I made a little web tool to present/search the “find-your-friends.json” file from your #cohost data export in a nicer view https://friends-of-eggbug.vercel.app/
Everything is stored locally and it remembers your file so you can use the page as a quick way to access your list for later.
Source code available on https://github.com/eramdam/friends-of-eggbug/ #heycohost
#cohost was the only website i felt at home at.
too bad they didnt make it.. maybe we can have such a site again eventually..
i mean, who am i even talking to here?
on cohost that was clear: nobody really.
i would just put stuff there i thought was worthwhile. not sure if it's the charlimit, or just the different "algorithm" (on cohost there literally was none, here? idk who half of the people are that pop up in my timeline, idk either is better, but this right here feels off)
Where are people even getting their #cohost archives? I've not seen anything about where to request it
How was the Seattle #Cohost wake? I was unable to make it for reasons I don't want to talk about publicly and normally I'd check Cohost, but, y'know.
new blog post: Link Roundup 6: a collection of cohost memoriams
i realized i had a lot of people's posts about the end of cohost saved. now a lot of them are in the same place. mostly just a lot of other people's good writing. i'll get back to my own stuff later. eggbug forever