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Una madre di piazza #Tahrir
La professoressa Laila Soueif, docente di matematica all’Università del #Cairo, è conosciuta principalmente per il suo impegno politico e militante, ma vanta anche una carriera accademica ricca di contributi significativi
Une mère fait la grève de la faim pour libérer son fils
#LeCaire #egypte

il manifesto · Una madre di piazza Tahrir | il manifestoEgitto (Internazionale) #custom_field-ochiello. Di #custom_field-autore

#Israel ’s envoy to the #usa has accused #Egypt ’s President Abdel-Fattah el #Sissi of violating the US-brokered #peace deal between #Jerusalem and #Cairo, profiting from the desperation of #Palestinians seeking to flee the #Gaza Strip and duplicitously operating to benefit #Hamas. msn.com/en-us/politics/interna

My photos at the Khan Al-Khalili market which is undoubtedly one of the best markets in Egypt. Bargaining skills needed because they will start you off with something 100% higher.

"Khan el-Khalili (Arabic: خان الخليلي) is a famous bazaar in the historic center of Cairo, Egypt. Established as a center of trade in the Mamluk era and named for one of its several historic caravanserais, the bazaar district has since become one of Cairo's main attractions for tourists and Egyptians alike. It is also home to many Egyptian artisans and workshops involved in the production of traditional crafts and souvenirs. The name Khan el-Khalili historically referred to a single building in the area; today it refers to the entire shopping district." --- Wikipedia

#Market #Bazaar #KhanAlKhalili #Cairo #Egypt #Travel #TravelPhotography #Tauck #TauckTours

Du Caire, de la nuit 🌙 Of Cairo, of the Night

Photographs by Nabil Boutros, 1990-1993

'The act of photography led me to those I would never have met; it was some kind of passport towards others ...'

#NabilBoutros #cairo #ducairredelanuit #photography #photographer #bwphoto #portraits #portraitphotography #egypt #cairoportraits #blackandwhitephotography #schwarzweissfotografie #schwarzweiss #blancetnoir #fotografia #foto #fotografie #photoworld القاهرة# #القاهرة

🫱🏾‍🫲🏻Sara El-Sayeh, an Offers & Needs Market (OANM) Facilitator, is organizing a series of OANMs in Egypt to support women refugees from #palestine, #Sudan, and #Syria to build community in and around the city of Cairo.

🎁 Please consider chipping in to the project’s crowdfunding campaign: gogetfunding.com/nourishing-ne

Your gift will fund 3 OANMs, including meals and childcare.