Another moderately active day for lightning around Alaska. June 21 will likely finish above 1600 strikes. AICC reports 63 new wildfires in the past week, most of them lightning starts. #akwx #Summer2023 #Wildfire
Another moderately active day for lightning around Alaska. June 21 will likely finish above 1600 strikes. AICC reports 63 new wildfires in the past week, most of them lightning starts. #akwx #Summer2023 #Wildfire
I've got an overview of the 2024 Arctic and sub-Arctic wildfire season to mid-June posted on the Alaska and Arctic Climate Newsletter.
#akwx #Wildfire #Summer2023 #Canada #Climate
The McDonald Fire has taken off on the Tanana Flats southeast of Fairbanks and is spreading quickly westward in the strong winds. Fire's not a threat to property but smoke may become a problem. No cause posted but it's evidently on DoD land, so…
#akwx #Summer2023 #Wildife
@CarrieinFbx @debmcqueen @leahwrenn @themattphelps @mivox @anisian @Climatologist49
La randonnée de ce matin avait déjà été faite cet été, donc quand on compare les photos, ça donne ceci :
2 décembre à gauche, vers 12h
2 juillet (oui, oui, pile 5 mois !) à droite, vers 10h30
2023 Canada and Alaska Wildfire season recap webinar coming up at 11am AKST today. I'll be tag teaming with Canadian wildfire expert Piyush Jain. Register at the link below.
#akwx #Canada #Wildfire #Alaska #Summer2023
Bruce MacKinnon / Halifax Chronicle Herald #summer2023 #poilievre #cdnpoli #ottawa