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#LuigiMangione's search, arrest at Pennsylvania McDonald's were illegal: Defense

March 1, 2025

"A defense attorney for Luigi Mangione, the man charged with killing the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, insists a police search and arrest inside a Pennsylvania McDonald's late last year were illegal.

"Mangione was arrested in Altoona, Pennsylvania, after a five-day manhunt for the suspect in the fatal shooting of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside a New York City hotel on Dec. 4.

"In a court filing posted to the Pennsylvania court docket Friday, Mangione's Pennsylvania attorney, Thomas Dickey, said Mangione was never properly read his rights."

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#FreeLuigi #KnowYourRights #DenyDefendDepose

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6 de marzo / 6 March 2025
5-6 PM feria de recursos comunitarios / community resource fair
6-7:30 PM el foro de inmigracion en Pajaro / Pajaro immigration form

Also available from County of Monterey: Know Your Rights informational videos in English, Spanish, Triqui, and Mixteco. bikemonterey.org/immigrants-an

#CondadoDeMonterey #MontereyCount #immigration #immigrants #agriculture #food #WeFeedYou #PajaroValley #farmworkers #fieldworkers #CountyOfMonterey #ConstitutionalRights #KnowYourRights #Triqui #Mixteco #Spanish #espanol

www.linkedin.comShaun Southworth auf LinkedIn: #federalemployees #govjobs #elonmusk #opm #federalworker #knowyourrights…🚨 Federal Employees: How to Respond to the OPM Email 🚨 If you’re a federal employee, you’ve likely received the unusual OPM email asking you to justify your job in five bullet points. And you’ve probably seen Elon Musk’s claim that failure to respond will be treated as a resignation. 🔹 Let’s be clear: That’s legally baseless. 🔹 The email itself does NOT say that. 🔹 And for career federal employees, failure to respond cannot lawfully be treated as a resignation. But ignoring the email outright could be risky. Agencies could mischaracterize your non-response as insubordination or failure to follow instructions. ✅ What You Should Do to Protect Yourself 📌 Forward the email to your supervisor and ask for guidance. Here’s a template: Subject: Request for Guidance on OPM Email Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I received the attached email from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) asking me to provide a list of my work accomplishments from last week. The email did not originate from my agency or my chain of command, and I want to ensure I respond appropriately in compliance with agency expectations. Please advise by [end of my tour of duty on Monday] whether I am required to respond and, if so, what type of information I should include in my response. Unless I receive instruction from my agency or chain of command, I will assume there is no obligation to reply to this request. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Agency] 📌 If required to respond, focus on five strong bullet points based on your performance plan, emphasizing measurable impact. 📌 Remember: This is an intimidation tactic. But you have strong civil service protections. If you face retaliation, threats, or wrongful termination, consult your union or a federal employment attorney immediately. I’ll continue monitoring this and will post updates as needed. Stay informed, stay professional, and don’t fall into any legal traps. 💬 Federal employees: What questions do you have? Drop them below or message me. If this was helpful, share this post to help others. #FederalEmployees #GovJobs #ElonMusk #OPM #FederalWorker #KnowYourRights #GovernmentJobs #CivilService #EmploymentLaw #WorkplaceRights #FedLife #PublicService #JobSecurity #UnionStrong #MindfulWork

Du sitzt in einem Zug in der EU in einer Verspätung von 60+ Minuten fest? Gute Nachrichten - du hast Anspruch auf Entschädigung! Auch verpasste Anschlüsse aufgrund von Verspätungen berechtigen zur Erstattung der Fahrkarte. Saisonkarten? Auch abgedeckt. Vergiss nicht: Dein Fahrrad ist willkommen und Mobilitätshilfen, die beim Transport beschädigt wurden, müssen repariert oder ersetzt werden. 🚂🇪🇺 #Reisetipps
Folge uns für mehr Informationen wie diese. #EUConsumerRights #KnowYourRights eV

Eight Things You Can Do to Stop #ICE

2025-02-11, via #CrimethInc

"The #Trump administration is paving the way for #MassDeportations by building new #PrisonCamps and invoking the #AlienEnemiesAct, which was used to justify the internment of #JapaneseAmericans during World War II. Motivated by nativism and white nationalism, Steven Miller and other officials are attempting to ethnically cleanse the United States, while tech and prison companies profit on lucrative government contracts and corporations continue to exploit immigrant labor. Knowing that mass deportations will inflict devastating costs, Trump has chiefly been concentrating his efforts in cities like Chicago and Denver that are governed by his political adversaries.

"Nonetheless, people are getting organized. Communities across the US are mobilizing rapid response networks that can respond to raids and support those targeted by #StateViolence. Students across the US are staging #walkouts; people are holding mass #demonstrations and fighting back against deportations.

"If we fail to stand in solidarity with those targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) today, the same infrastructure of repression will eventually be turned against others, as well. An injury to one is an injury to all!

"Do your part to melt the ICE."

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#KnowYourRights #ResistICE #Mobilization #USPol #Resistance

CrimethInc.Eight Things You Can Do to Stop ICEDefend your community from ICE! A guide and handout to print and distribute.
Hi there! Lately I have been working to print and distribute radical zines (and PPE) to my neighborhood's little free libraries and community fridges. As a disabled comrade, I sometimes find myself feeling like I can't do enough - but things like this is my way of getting my boots on the ground!

It is my current goal to purchase a laser printer so I can print many more zines and also take on print jobs for folks who want a trusted place to print their own flyers/zines, etc.

To that end I have set up a Liberapay at https://liberapay.com/drscully/ to fund this goal. I am looking to raise $500 USD to purchase the Brother MFCL3780CDW. Any surplus (for example if I manage to snag a refurbished unit) will go towards keeping things going with paper and toner and PPE for the community.

Any amount/sharing this post is appreciated. Thank you for reading - I'm grateful for your time!

Zines are from- https://crimethinc.com/zines

#Zines #Printing #MutualAid #CommunityOrganizing #CovidIsNotOver #KnowYourRights #Protest #NoGoodCopsNoBadProtesters #Fediverse #AbolishIce #Fundraising #CommunityFridge #LittleFreeLibrary

What are your rights if you see #ICE activity? Recommended #safety practices for bystanders

Do not disclose anyone’s legal status, even if asked by ICE. You do not have to answer questions about others, you are only required to present your own paperwork when asked by an immigration officer. If asked about another person’s status, say 'I don’t know' or 'I can’t help.” You also have the legal right to say nothing.'

By Karlee Van De Venter and Rosemary Montalvo, February 06, 2025

"Since Trump’s inauguration, rumors and fears have circulated about ICE presence and mass deportations. Posts are circulating across social media platforms, including Instagram and X, formerly known as Twitter, reporting ICE sightings. But posting unconfirmed information can do more harm than good, as it can spread mass panic in already uncertain times. There are recommendations available for bystanders from many organizations, including the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (#WAISN), on what to say and do when you see immigration officials working in your local community.

What if I see ICE?

"If you see ICE activity in your area, be deliberate in your response. WAISN, the largest immigrant-led coalition in Washington state, has recommendations for bystanders who want to support their local immigrant community amid fears of mass deportation.

"When sharing information, WAISN says to carefully evaluate to be sure it’s more helpful than harmful.

What are your rights if you see ICE?

"Everyone has basic guaranteed rights in the U.S., regardless of their legal status. With threats of mass deportation, households with immigrants are creating emergency deportation plans and preparing for the worst case scenarios.
You have the right to record activity and interactions with immigration and law enforcement officers, so long as you do not impede them from doing their job.

"If you are asked to back up, WAISN suggests taking a step back and repeating 'I am exercising my right to record and document.' If officers get too close to you, state that you have stepped back and repeat you are exercising your right to record. You want to remain calm, but speak firmly.

"Record the entirety of the incident, and narrate your experience. State the date and time while recording. If you’re going to post online, make sure your information is backed up with evidence. Speak with a first-person witness if you can. Take notes of what you see. How many officers are there? What are they wearing? What cars are involved, are they marked? What agency? Are people being questioned, or detained? If you feel safe, legally you can ask an officer why they are there.

Additionally, be sure to take note of:

- Officer identification - agency, badge, numbers, uniform, name
- The specific address, if possible
- Language used by the officers, especially hate speech or identity speech and anything false or unproven
- Cars - note the license plates and agency if marked
- Any physical force

Any post you make should include:

- Date and time of reported activity
Street name or specific description of the area
- Pictures or videos with timestamps

"Once you begin documenting activity, WAISN recommends disabling thumbprint or facial recognition protection on your phone. Using a passcode better protects your evidence and information."

In Washington state, you can call the Deportation Defense Hotline at 1-844-724-3737 if you see potential ICE activity."

Read more:

Archived version:
#ICERaids #ResistICE #ImmigrantRights #KnowYourRights

Excerpt from #ACLUMaine's "#KnowYourRights - #Protests"

"The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest.

"However, police and other government officials are allowed to place certain narrow restrictions on the exercise of speech rights. Make sure you’re prepared by brushing up on your rights before heading out into the streets.

Organizing A Protest

- Your rights are strongest in what are known as 'traditional public forums,' such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for.
- Private property owners can set rules for speech on their property. The government may not restrict your speech if it is taking place on your own property or with the consent of the property owner.
- Counterprotesters also have free speech rights. Police must treat protesters and counterprotesters equally. Police are permitted to keep antagonistic groups separated but should allow them to be within sight and sound of one another.
- When you are lawfully present in any public space, you have the right to photograph anything in plain view, including federal buildings and the police. On private property, the owner may set rules related to photography or video.

Do I need a permit?

- You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. If you don’t have a permit, police officers can ask you to move to the side of a street or sidewalk to let others pass or for safety reasons.
- Certain types of events may require permits. These include a march or parade that requires blocking traffic or street closure; a large rally requiring the use of sound amplifying devices; or a rally over a certain size at most parks or plazas.
- While certain permit procedures require submitting an application well in advance of the planned event, police can’t use those procedures to prevent a protest in response to breaking news events.
- Restrictions on the route of a march or sound equipment might violate the First Amendment if they are unnecessary for traffic control or public safety, or if they interfere significantly with effective communication to the intended audience.
- A permit cannot be denied because the event is controversial or will express unpopular views.
- If the permit regulations that apply to your protest require a fee for a permit, they should allow a waiver for those who cannot afford the charge.

What to do if you believe your rights have been violated

- When you can, write down everything you remember, including the officers’ badge and patrol car numbers and the agency they work for.
- Get contact information for witnesses.
- Take photographs of any injuries.
- Once you have all of this information, you can file a written complaint with the agency’s internal affairs division or civilian complaint board."

#FirstAmendment #FreeSpeech #Protest #protesters #ProtestOfOne #ResistFascism #MaineACLU #ACLU #50501Movement

ACLU of Maine · Know Your Rights: ProtestsThe First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. Know your rights and make your voice heard.
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@BruceMirken Yes it is. That fact is why I started #AfternoonNotesToAmerca It’s the smallest of steps to take so that even someone who’s overwhelmed can take it. The first step is the one that breaks the dam & this one’s COVID safe & cheap. Overcoming fascism is huge, making that first 3 word note… not so much.😉 It takes us from feeling stuck to moving forward. We’re already seeing 3 word notes in public across the country.
❤️ 🤍💙
#USPol #tRump #Musk #Democracy #KnowYourRights #VOTE #COVID