I'm considering adding #podcast #audio recordings (voiced by me!) of my #newsletter, but I'm hesitant.
I guess the biggest question is, is it worth my time and effort for myself and/or for the benefit of my readers & would-be listeners?
I'm considering adding #podcast #audio recordings (voiced by me!) of my #newsletter, but I'm hesitant.
I guess the biggest question is, is it worth my time and effort for myself and/or for the benefit of my readers & would-be listeners?
Endlich wieder heile und nicht mehr krümelnde Kopfhörer Ohrpolster!
Striking out selling some gear locally to cover winter costs.
If you need any at all sound design for remixes, beats and loops, game assets, soundtracks, installations, etc please have a look UP THIS THREAD and at my campaign for getting new music out, a rad covers album project, and hopefully some pay what you can commissions for sound work.
Or donate what you can or take what you need in solidarity from my catalogue.
A fascinating new look at what is basically an Apple II Mockingboard soundcard...for the PC...sold by Mindscape.
"Do you own the rarest PC sound card in the world?" --
4'33" (as performed by your browser)
With several players to choose from, you'll never get tired of listening to their performances of John Cage's 4'33" in your browser.
Some background here:
With thanks to @darius and @jenn for the spark of inspiration like 10 years ago
Research: Method found for transmitting audio signals without headphones
Two non-linear ultrasonic waves can be used to transmit audio signals that can only be heard by a person at a very specific point.
Mithilfe von zwei nicht linearen Ultraschallwellen sind Audiosignale übertragbar, die nur für einen Menschen an einer ganz bestimmten Stelle zu hören sind. #Audio
Forschung: Methode zur Übertra...
Forschung: Methode zur Übertragung von Audiosignalen ohne Kopfhörer gefunden
Mithilfe von zwei nicht linearen Ultraschallwellen sind Audiosignale übertragbar, die nur für einen Menschen an einer ganz bestimmten Stelle zu hören sind.
Liebes #Fediverse #Schwarmwissen / #Schwarmintelligenz, welche Plattformen für kostenlose lizenzfreie #Audio #Jingles gibt es (gerne #CCBY oder #CCBYSA)?
(Ich plane ein neues Podcast-Projekt und hätte gerne Intro #Musik)
One from the archives (2018): A live recording made from only two samples, using generative sequencing (using my own tools) and probably the (by far!) most amount of effects, layers & signal chains I've ever used on a track... Granular synthesis, time stretching/slicing, resonators, filters, erosion... it gets pretty wild & textured from ~2:30 once the cellular automatas controlling various granular synth params had a bit of tantrum for a minute or so... :)
Always wanted to hear that on a large PA. Some of the sounds almost remind me of the high voltage zapps produced by tesla coils...
The samples:
1) A needle skipping on a dusty vinyl record
2) An (unintelligible) voice-like AI sample...
Finally managed to get audio responsive working. The greatest challenge was settling on a frequency and a threshold.
I'm eagerly following (and supporting) early work to help consolidate / improve the #rust #audio ecosystem, over on There's a ton of expertise, and I think we can build a credible production-grade library.
Even when the original is in Rust, we can't help but RIIR
English is not my first language and it sounds so strange when I try to read my poems out loud.
My husband decided to read them for me ...
Was für ein #Gewusel - ein #Original aus #Berlin: der #Crellemarkt in #Schöneberg #loveit #audio #dokumentation
Neue Geschichte im #podcast "Pivot: Es ist deine Zeit" von @_RyekDarkener_
i want to digitize some old #analog cassette tapes with my m1 macbook pro. I tried plugging the cassette player's aux cable into the laptop's headphone jack, but it wont detect the signal.
i don't know much about #mac or #audio #music recording. is there anyone out there who can explain what i'm doing wrong or point me to the adapter I need? : preferably not amazon
thanks in advance!
Photo of #dj #cat #pottery #coffee #cup (made by me) for interest
Ich habe für dieses Statement der Union communist libertaire zur aktuellen Situation in der #Ukraine eingelesen.
Hört gerne mal rein:
Sonos stellt Entwicklung des Streaming-Geräts „Pinewood“ ein
Das US-amerikanische Unternehmen Sonos, bekannt für seine Audio-Produkte, hat die Pläne für sein erstes Set-Top-Box-Projekt mit dem Codenamen „Pinewood“ aufgegeben. Diese Entscheidung markiert das Ende eines ambitionierten, aber riskante
#News #TV #AppleTV #Audio #Pinewood #SetTopBox #Sonos #Streaming #TomConrad #Videobereich
Bluetooth problems with iPhone 16e: Stuttering and interruptions
Apple's new entry-level iPhone comes with Apple's own 5G modem. It works well – but there are currently reports of Bluetooth bugs with the 16e.