reposting to add #altText :
from @laurachiarelloarts :
Words that could be said today, yet they were inspired by events that happened over 100 years ago, experienced first-hand by the English poet Wilfred Owen.
(born OTD 18 March 1893 - died on 04 Nov 1918)
"Those who know do not forget, those who deny history repeat it."
Late winter light and colour, Stratford.
1. Victoria Lake at dusk.
2. CN yard, Regent St.
3. T. J. Dolan Dr.
4. Festival Theatre grounds
#OTD 3/17/24 #birds #birding #aBirdAday (or more) Song sparrow
#AltText Plump song sparrow puffing out its chest on the prairie.
CU Apartheid Divest (CU... @ColumbiaBDS
Prof Francois Balloux @BallouxFrancois
A university degree is a qualification, not a morality clause. A University revoking degrees for 'wrong think' makes a total mockery of its mission. This is also the most authoritarian 'right-woke' nonsense I've come across in a while.
I noticed that automated emails from Steam weren't doing alt-text very well. Some image links had no or inadequate alt-text. (Note that Steam don't support opting for plain text rather than HTML emails.)
I'm fortunate enough to depend upon alt-text never-to-rarely. But I prefer not to load remote images, so I still benefit from alt-text.
I filled out a support request to Steam layout out the specific examples I'd found of where they weren't doing very well, and stressing why it's (morally, legally, etc.) important to do better.
And you know what: they quietly fixed it. When I received an email today telling me that something on my wishlist is on sale, it had reasonably-good alt-text throughout. Neat.
Chicago drawbridge.
This was taken on the Chicago Architecture Center's architectural boat tour of downtown Chicago. Well worth it if you visit Chicago and have the time.
@Baristaline Der #alttext 'Tunnel' ist zwar richtig, aber völlig Leer, da er nichts über dessen Aussehen preisgibt.
Was ist das für ein Tunnel? Aus welchem Material? Wie ist er geschaffen? Ist er beleuchtet? .....
Alles Fragen, die sich Menschen stellen, welche das Foto nicht so sehen wie ich und du, der Fotograf.
#FotoVorschlag 'Grenzbereich'
Am Grenzbereich zwischen Himmel und Erde.
Fotos ohne #alttext werden von mir leider nicht bewertet.
For those whose disability makes it hard to write your own Alt-Text, the altbot is now privacy-centered, which means none of your data is leaking to unscrupulous cooperations.
I still think it's better and less prone to error when humans write Alt-Text, but it's nice to know this exists. #AltText #accessibility #disabled #NEISvoid
post link:
Simple white-on-black text.
"Germany is now advising people to stock up on cheese and sausages.
This is called the Wurst Käse scenario."