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Aaargh. "Fear the Walking Dead" is a good series overall, eight episodes in, but it's frustrating how often the writers give someone the Idiot Ball as a way to create tension.

For eleven seasons, "The Walking Dead" managed to stay interesting and challenging, and I can't remember them ever resorting to this. People are human and make mistakes, yes, but it's consistent with their character and their motivations.

In FtWD, I think every episode so far had some moment where an otherwise clued-in person suddenly did something to put people in danger. Did the writers think they screwed up by making everyone too genre-savvy and too quick to pick up on the new rules of the world?

Still, good enough to keep watching and just shout a bit at the screen whenever someone takes off their thinking cap. 🤣

#FtWD #FearTheWalkingDead
#TheWalkingDead #WalkingDead

I finished the 3rd season of #From on #HBO, highly recommended to anyone who admires #King style of horror, could also be interesting for fans of #TwinPeaks or #Lost. I'm not sure why this show doesn't get more hype, I've never seen anyone mention it on social media, but it always gets first place by viewers among all HBO TV shows when a new season is released. And it is much, much better than #TheWalkingDead.

🎅 Ho Ho Ho 🎅
Ich habe einige Keys für Videospiele doppelt und würde sie gerne verschenken oder tauschen. Einfach melden!

🎅 Ho Ho Ho 🎅
I have some duplicate keys for video games and would like to give them away or swap them. Just let me know!

Also: The Outer Worlds, Baldurs Gate 1+2 (GOG)

(I only need the final season of TWD, I would like to swap it) #gaming #giveaway #videogames #baldursgate #telltale #humblebundle #starwars #monkeyisland #thewalkingdead

I don't know if it's because I"m neurodivergent or if it's because such a long lapse occurred between the seasons of The Walking Dead in which Negan was such an asshole and now where he's going through a redemption arc but I sure as hell like him a lot more than I like Maggie. And if she'd been acting the way she was towards me in the Metro tunnels under DC I'd probably have let her fall from the climb up the train car into the mass of zombies too. Just saying.

I only just watched that episode last night and have several to go before the end of Season 11 so no spoilers, please.

Wonderful quote from #Daryl in #TheWalkingDead:

"Nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone. But that doesn't mean that everything that follows will break your heart"

The fact that he was delivering this line to a child, who he respects, and wants to protect, but won't lie to, just multiplies it.

Einen Monat lang hatte ich jede freie Sekunde etwas zu tun.
Etwas Gutes. Die 8 Romane aus dem #theWalkingDead Universum habe ich immer dann in die Hand genommen wenn ich Zeit hatte.
Jetzt habe ich alle Bücher ausgelesen und fühle mich seit einigen Tagen sonderbar leer. Wann immer ich jetzt Langeweile habe greife ich (wieder, wie früher) zum Handy.

Es gefällt mir nicht, weiß aber auch nicht was ich jetzt groß machen sollte um mich selbst zu korrigieren.

Antwortete im Thread

Okay, es wird nicht besser, eher noch schlimmer.
Nicht nur dass Hauptcharaktere 2 Jahre Zombieapokalypse überleben, nur um sich dann anzustellen wie Kleinkinder beim Matheabitur ... das Buch hat schlicht und ergreifend Fehler.
Offensichtliche, in-dein-Gesicht-Fehler.
Von "Ich bin Einzelkind" zu "Meiner Schwester habe ich gesagt, dass ..." in nur wenigen Zeilen, vom gleichen Charakter wiedergegeben, auf der gleichen Seite (172) stehend!

Doppel Triple mega uff.