Georgia and Illinois both doubled their solar deployment in 2024 over the year before #renewables #renewableenergy #solar #climate #environment
Georgia and Illinois both doubled their solar deployment in 2024 over the year before #renewables #renewableenergy #solar #climate #environment
The US clean electricity transition continued as wind and solar generated more than coal for the first time in 2024.
Electricity demand growth sped up and solar generation rose more quickly than gas to help meet it. #renewables #climate #solar #environment
Trump actually powerless to stop solar manufacturing in the US
Solar energy beats gas by a mile, Trump or no Trump
wenn das so stimmt und der gut zu fördern ist. Jackpot!
Renewable power share in Germany
21st of March 2025: 66%
Last 90 days average: 50%
Renewable energy beats gas capacity additions by a mile in US, Trump or not.
Renewable energy beats gas capacity additions by a mile in US, Trump or not.
Renewables are cheap. So why isn’t your power bill falling? #Renewables #AusPol
"Wind turbine installations hit record levels in 2024, report reveals"
#WindTurbines #Energy #Renewables
Looks like Ripple energy are bankrupt. Real shame as they had an interesting business model. I would have put some money into them but as I'm off-grid in the UK I could never get any benefit from the scheme.
I hope someone can take it over and rescue something from the ashes.
Renewable power share in Germany
20th of March 2025: 45%
Last 90 days average: 50%
A new report confirms that Australia’s transition to #wind, #solar, and #battery storage has protected households and businesses from even higher power bills. This directly debunks #PeterDutton repeated claim that #renewables are driving up electricity prices. #RenewableEnergy #AusPol
Renewable power share in Germany
19th of March 2025: 47%
Last 90 days average: 50%
**Electricity from renewable sources reaches 47% in 2024**
_“Among EU countries, Denmark had the highest share of renewables in its net electricity generation with 88.8%, coming mostly from wind, followed by Portugal (87.4%, mostly wind and hydro) and Croatia (73.8%, mostly hydro). The lowest shares of renewables were recorded in Malta (15.1%), Czechia (17.5%) and Cyprus (24.1%).”_
"The UK's solar revolution, mapped - as 3,500 projects in the pipeline"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Solar #SolarPower #Energy #Renewables
"Florida is now a solar superpower. Here’s how it happened."
#US #USA #America #Florida #Solar #SolarPower #Energy #Renewables
"Belgium’s Wallonia region added 92 MW of solar in 2024"
#Belgium #SolarPower #Energy #Renewables
Renewable power share in Germany
17th of March 2025: 58%
Last 90 days average: 51%
Ecological Restoration In The Yellow River Basin Enhances Hydropower Potential
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #HEP #hydropower #China #ecology #restoration #YellowRiver #YellowRiverBasin #dam #dams #ecological #renewables #power #energy #generation #restoration #sedimentation #sediment #reservoir #hydroelectricpower #Xiaolangdi #waterresources #water #hydrology #socioeconomic #watershed #management