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Watching whales and birds work together in a feeding frenzy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was legitimately the best and most amazing thing I ever saw (and that was only above water.. below would have been incredible)


youtu.be- YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

Next time a bigot tells you queerness is against nature, show them this and said, whale actually


And then after they’ve composed themselves, tell them ‘you’re whalecome’

Bigots don’t deserve whales tho, even if they’re humpbacks humping

CBCThese are the 1st images of humpbacks having sex, and they're both males | CBC RadioPhotographers Hawaii captured what scientists say is the first documentation of humpback whale sex.

More #introduction about our ZooCELL network.

We will do a lot of volume electron #microscopy #volumeEM focusing on sensory systems in marine #animals

We will combine this with single-cell #genomics, correlative LM/EM, #AI -based image segmentation and classification, and genetics

You can read more about the participating labs here:


We will post about events, projects etc. in the coming years.
If you like #zoology #evodevo #marine #biology follow/boost us!

"Melting ice sheets are slowing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the world's strongest ocean current, researchers have found. This melting has implications for global climate indicators, including sea level rise, ocean warming and viability of marine ecosystems".
#ocean #climatevariability #marine #ecosystems #Antarctic #icesheet #globalwarming


Phys.org · Melting Antarctic ice sheets are slowing Earth's strongest ocean current, research revealsVon University of Melbourne