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Just sharing my post from #Lemmy because I have 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 a higher character count to write something out on there!

#JunkStore has had a big new update for #SteamDeck with version 1.1.9 available in the Decky testing store now!

Junk-Store is a plugin via Decky which lets you play #EpicGames and #GOG titles on the 'Deck with the minimum of fuss.


lemmy.worldNew Junk-Store update (install and play Epic Games + GOG on the Steam Deck) - Lemmy.WorldDoing the bare minimum here and just posting this by copying and pasting the announcement - and prettifying the formatting, because a direct copy paste bastardizes the layout here on Lemmy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 🎉Junk Store v1.1.9 release now available in Decky Testing store. 🎉 🩹 Umu-ProtonFixes are now working as it should thanks to GloriousEggroll! If you are using GE-Proton, known fixes will now automatically be applied to games with known issues. 💻 Improved compatibilty with Junk Store on NixOS. # 📰 What’s Changed 💾 Allow correct setting of game drive for installed games outside of prefix by u/GloriousEggroll in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/69 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/69] 💻 Switch to #!/usr/bin/env bash over #!/bin/bash for better nixos compat by PartyWumpus in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/62 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/62] 🔤 Ignore case while ordering by u/Ugzuzg in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/78 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/78] 🏎️ Fixed issue with F1 Manager 24 from Epic Games not launching. https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/84 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/84] Due to how Legendary caches meta-data, you will unfortunately need to unistall and reinstall this game for this fix to take effect. 🌼 Fixed issue with Garden Story from Epic Games not launching. If you have this installed and not applied the workaround, you need to reset launch options for this fix to take effect. # 🙏 New Contributors 🙏 GloriousEggroll made their first contribution in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/69 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/69] PartyWumpus made their first contribution in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/62 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/62] Ugzuzg made their first contribution in https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/78 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/pull/78] # Full Changelog: https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/compare/beta-0.9...1.1.9 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/compare/beta-0.9...1.1.9] # Legendary Flatpak Update The Legendary flatpak update addresses the following issues: 🏎️ Fixed issue with F1 Manager 24 from Epic Games not launching. https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/84 [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/84] 🛠️ Fixed issue with Illuvium missing an EGS parameter. # 👾Gog Extension Update v0.1.7 Umu-ProtonFixes is now applied to gog thanks u/GloriousEggroll Fixed issue with v1 manifest games with inconsistent language naming. This issue prevented the installation of 600+ games. Recently reported games are: Gex & F.E.A.R. Platinum Edition. Other potential games affected by this are: The Wolf Among Us & Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest. We would appreciate any feedback on the new versions of Junk Store and gog extension. NOTE: Make sure you reinstall the dependencies after you have updated everything in Junk Store. If you are having issues installing the dependencies please use this workaround in konsole: Dependencies Install Error - Manual Installation via Konsole # Please alert us to any issues or bugs: Report bugs on github: https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues] If you are having issues please post a support ticket on discord or the reddit page - reddit.com/r/JunkStore [http://reddit.com/r/JunkStore] Last but not least we would really, really appreciate any test reports on the Junk Store Decky PR. The process has changed to get things merged to the Decky Main store; there is now only a 2 week window to get testing reports before the PR is marked as stale and removed. We would love some community support with this process to ensure that there are no issues with the code. Link to Junk Store Decky PR: https://github.com/SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-plugin-database/pull/782 [https://github.com/SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-plugin-database/pull/782] Link to Decky Testing Report Template: https://wiki.deckbrew.xyz/en/user-guide/testing [https://wiki.deckbrew.xyz/en/user-guide/testing] Thank you The Junk Store Team (end of post!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, I’ve used Junk-Store for well over a year now, and I swear by it. To me the benefit is how while running from within Decky, the library you’re presented (of your Epic Games titles, or GOG) looks exactly as it does in your regular games’ library on the Steam Deck. It feels like an extension of what is already there, as stock and pretty as if it were official. It makes playing your claimed (or bought) games a breeze. Here’s a video showing Heroic and Junk-Store on the Steam Deck, with details on each - its a YouTube link! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUm9ILmf85k] And another by another YouTuber, doing something similar! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjXoAlN3p0Y] Yes, GOG is a once-off payment of $6.00 USD, for me that’s more than worth the time they dev puts in to the work, just like XBPlay (upscaling Xbox games through cloud gaming on my Steam Deck!) was a once-off payment, to me I feel like I’m getting a steal. Anyway, a heads-up for those who run it (or want to!), a nice update has been made! (also, not my picture I attached to this. It belongs to one from the Junk-Store - Annie!

Skich: Alternativer Spiele-Marktplatz für iOS startet in der EU
Am vergangenen Donnerstag kündigte Skich die Einführung eines neuen Spiele-Marktplatzes an, der speziell für iOS-Nutzer:innen in der Europäischen Union zugänglich ist. Der Skich Store bietet eine Plattform für mobi
#News #Services #AppStores #AppleProvision #DigitalMarketsAct #EpicGames #IOSSpiele #MobileSpiele #SkichStore

Apple verliert Sideloading-Klage in Brasilien, "Fortnite" kommt

Die Regierung in Brasilia will Apple ähnlich regulieren wie die EU-Kommission. Epic Games steht bereit, "Fortnite" auch hier zurück aufs iPhone zu lassen.


heise online · Apple verliert Sideloading-Klage in Brasilien, "Fortnite" kommtVon Ben Schwan

Easily one of my favorite games of the last few years: Control: Ultimate Edition has a new significant update:


But...as per usual, #GOG users do not get the update at the same time as other platforms like #Steam and #EpicGames do. And...sad to say, if at all No word yet on 'when'. GOG has a rep for being 'second-class citizens' with updates from publishers.

Despite this, I am 𝘴𝘰 excited to revisit one of my fav games on #SteamDeck!!

Control · Control - Discover a World UnknownAfter a secretive agency in New York is invaded by an otherworldly threat, you become the new Director struggling to regain Control

All the #PrimeGaming #GOG and #EpicGames for March:

💙 𝐍𝐨𝐰:
Saints Row: The Third
Mafia 2: Definitive Edition
Crime Boss: Rockay City
Naheulbeuk’s Dungeon Master

💙 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟑𝐭𝐡
Wall World
Endling – Extinction is Forever
Dark Deity
Beholder 3

💙 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Figment 2: Creed Valley
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Mortal Shell

💙 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟐𝟕𝐭𝐡
The Forgotten City
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Session: Skate Sim
Let’s Build A Zoo
Gamedec – Definitive Ed.
The Wisbey Mystery

If you like stealth games, then #GOG has a sale on #ThiefGold - it is 86% off and only €0.99 ($0.97 USD)


Unfortunately it doesn't boast native controller profile via GOG, but if you're on #SteamDeck you can set your own custom controller profile.

Further, if you missed the #EpicGames giveaway of the original Thief, you can get the 'Definitive Ed' on GOG for -85% off right now, too (inc. DLC, etc) for €3.79



GOG.comThief™ GoldStalk your prey on the quest for stolen goods with your blackjack, sword, and an assortme

Heroic Launcher updated to version 2.16. Moving defaults into latest versions of UMU and GE-Proton and away from basic WINE components. Probably a good idea to wait a day or two to see about stability issues, but it's nice to see continued progress from this great project.


Heroic v2.16.0 Scopper Gaban
GitHubRelease v2.16.0 · Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncherHeroic v2.16.0 Scopper Gaban

With services like:

#EpicGames weekly giveaways

#PrimeGaming giving a crazy amount of #GOG, Epic and #Amazon keys each week

#Xbox with their cloud gaming and #GamePass subscription

GeForce NOW

Then Amazon Luna letting you stream games over the cloud which you own on GOG

Were so spoiled for choices. If you're on a strict budget you could invest in just one of these and have such a backlog of interesting games to play. I'll always say it, Prime Gaming is THE best deal on gaming right now!

Mages of Mystralia

Accompany Zia as she strikes off to train and learn to control her magical abilities that had her exiled. Journey across the lands to meet other exiled mages and uncover runes with magical properties that can be combined into millions of different possibilities, letting you come up with completely new and incredible spells!

https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/mages-of-mystralia #EpicGames #freegame #freegames

Apples Umsatzbeteiligung bei In-App-Käufen: Phil Schiller mit Kritik am Modell
Die Diskussion um Apples Umsatzbeteiligung bei In-App-Käufen sorgt seit Jahren für Streit. Besonders Epic Games stellt sich vehement gegen die bis zu 30
#News #Services #AppStoreGebhren #AppleProvision #Entwicklerbeziehung #EpicGames #InAppKufe #LucaMaestri #PhilSchiller #Rechtsstreit #TimCook

Apple commission on web purchases: Waved through despite internal concerns

Charging 27 percent commission on web purchases seemed daring, even to the App Store boss. Nevertheless, it was implemented at the highest Apple level.


heise online · Apple commission on web purchases: Waved through despite internal concerns
Mehr von Leo

Apple-Provision auf Web-Käufe: Trotz interner Bedenken durchgewunken

27 Prozent Provision auf Einkäufe im Web zu verlangen, erschien auch dem App-Store-Chef gewagt. Umgesetzt wurde es trotzdem auf oberster Apple-Ebene.


heise online · Apple-Provision auf Web-Käufe: Trotz interner Bedenken durchgewunken
Mehr von Leo