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Happy Imbolc! 🐑🥛🌼🔥 To celebrate 700+ Kabbidges, here is a one-take cover of Billie Eilish's song "What I Was Made For" in C# major! 🥬 Special thanks to Karaoke All Keys‬ for the backing track, be sure to check them out! 💚


www.youtube.com - YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

Mit #TheZoneOfInterest hat ein Film, den wirklich jede*r gesehen haben sollte, gestern Abend einen #Oscars2024 gewonnen - herzlichen Glückwunsch an Sandra Hüller, die das mit möglich gemacht hat. Auch wenn ich diesem Film und dem #Barbiemovie mehr #Oscars gewünscht hätte. Glückwunsch auch nochmal an İlker Çatak zur Nominierung. zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/os

ZDFheute · Oscars 2024: Filmpreisverleihung beginnt ab MitternachtVon Katharina Schuster

Michael Cera has revealed how he struggled with COVID when he was called in to do a last minute fight scene in Barbie.

“I had just gotten over COVID, and they had me training, and I almost died. Just doing the warm-up! I had to lay down in my trailer, and they sent the nurse to see me, and I was sent home."

#BarbieMovie #MichaelCera #COVID19

Source: nme.com/en_au/news/film/michae

NME · Michael Cera's 'Barbie' fight scene was hampered by COVIDHe played the doll Allan in the film

I want to watch the Barbie Movie but I'm under the impression, despite being a comedy, that it deals with Existentialism and Death, like, prominently, as it's main over-arching theme. I am still struggling with grief, so I've been putting off watching this movie.

Just how actually prominent are these themes so i don't regret watching it alone cos I don't wanna keep avoiding plot spoilers.

How badly will this movie make me face the end of all i care about and myself. How alone in the universe will i feel despite the excellent performances and nuanced jokes?

(So PLEASE spoil me on this thematic factor, obviously, let me know if I should keep avoiding it until I can better handle a movie about death and dying).


Big thanks to everyone who has had a listen in to the most recent #HelloYouPodcast with @louisew & I :)

If you haven't jumped in next, and fancy something to fill your ears on the way to the #weekend, why not give us a try?


In this ep, we talk about being Generalists & polymaths; #eggs; #Coaching & #mentoring and, of course #barbiemovie !

So, head on over - and don't forget to let us know what you think!

Spotify for PodcastersEpisode 28 - Diving down and breaking boxes by Hello You PodcastWait - episode 28? Already? OK, so it's been a hot minute since we last recorded. 'Busy' and 'Adulting' are mentioned... But that's not stopped our verve for chat - and is there ever a lot to catch up on! We start in the realms of business, mentoring and a rather exciting new proposition Louise is working on. We reminisce about an afternoon in a basement flat (there is a point), before going further down into the intersectional feminist masterpiece that is the Barbie Movie. Allan is the unsung hero, for reasons that we explain! We navigate moments of blonde fragility and rupture, before going under the surface again to address the pleasure - and pain - of being Generalists. A bit of Rousseau, a bit of egg-based communication and we resurface for air, giggling and gasping in almost equal measure. More detail, of course, in the shownotes - but for the full experience, wrap yourself up in something comfy put on a fresh pot of tea and dive into Episode 28. The Salon is open and you're very, very welcome.