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Any web developers here who can make fasttrack.debian.net web page responsive ? #askfedi #debian #freesoftware

Debian Fast Track is a repository that allows making “backports” of packages available to users of the stable distribution, if those packages cannot be maintained in testing and backported in the usual way.

This service was started originally to provide #gitlab packages and now include other software like #VirtualBox. Hosting sponsored by #Infomaniak

Kubuntu 22.04 LTS Users Can Upgrade to KDE Plasma 5.27

KDE Plasma 5.27 is now available for users of Kubuntu 22.04 LTS to upgrade to — if they want to. Kubuntu 22.04 LTS ships with KDE Plasma 5.24. That’s a great release that works well for most but it lacks a few of the fancier flourishes and refinements found in more recent versions of the desktop. Now no-one need miss out. Developers working on the popular Ubuntu flavour have put in the effort to package KDE Plasma 5.27 into a backports-extra PPA. This makes it easy for those wishing to, to upgrade to KDE Plasma 5.27 on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. :sys_more_orange:
#HowTo #News #Backports #KdePlasma #Kubuntu #Ubuntu22_04Lts

:sys_omgubuntu: omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/instal

One thing about the #RHEL debate around #backports and #CentOS that isn’t being talked about a lot in the #Linux community is that the value of a super-long lived distro is shrinking in value, not growing.

When I started the OS and the physical server were extremely linked. OS upgrades were massive projects that took months, so the value of a long-lived distro made sense. Now though, it just doesn’t seem to make much sense for most people.

Obviously there are exceptions but I would bet one of the reasons #Redhat and #IBM did this is their data is showing a trend away from the type of product RHEL is. If you migrate to containers there is zero reason to ever use something so static as the base OS.

Even if you don’t, VM virtualization software has gotten much better at evacuating VMs and allowing you to upgrade hitlessly. So even for the datacenter model it stops making sense.

@sjosjo @RockyC
I am going to test fully #lmde6 when released, as I am likely to shift over to it.

With #nemo I can use things like Time Modified instead of Data Modified, which is a right-adjusted column and still uses friendly naming for the last 7 days.

As I tend to always stay in Name order, with hidden only used when I want something I don't already know the name of, it's no big deal. I tend to work with the entry location so I can just type directly in there for say .config or .local rather than turning on hidden.

Personally, whilst I like #lmde there are differences from the #ubuntu base that will alienate some of Mint's user base. The big one is PPAs even though I think they create more problems than they solve. I like the #backports and #fasttrack of #debian, and when that doesn't give me what I need I create personal/local backports so they're upgradable in future.

I still like #xfce and #debian, so am happy with my #bookworm install of those which is rock solid for now.